Chapter 8

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I took the next couple of days off like Max had suggested.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" (F/N) asked as I walked into the kitchen with my blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I shook my head. I spotted David's gloves sitting on the countertop and scowled as I pushed them out of the way. (F/N) watched as they fell on the ground. "Trouble in paradise?" I looked up at her as I grabbed my cup of coffee.

"More than you know." I muttered as I turned around and headed back to my room. "You shouldn't see Marko anymore by the way." I called over my shoulder. (F/N) followed me out of the kitchen.

"What do you mean? Why can't I see Marko?" He/she asked. I sighed as I turned around and stood in my doorway.

"I said shouldn't. But it's up to you." I shrugged. (F/N) looked at me in shock. "Just don't expect to bring him back here or ask me to join you at the cave." I closed the door in his/her face before burrowing back under the covers. I curled up next to the window and looked out. Figuring I was safe during the fay, I kept it open. A knock on the door woke me up.

"(Y/N)!" (F/N) called through the door. "Marko is picking me up. I'll see you when I get back."

"Be safe." I whispered as I closed the window and drew the blinds before settling back down and watching television. I resisted the urge to open my blinds and look out when I heard the roar of a motorcycle stop outside the building. I gripped the blanket tightly as I heard something hit my window. The noise continued for a few minutes before I heard the motorcycle rev. Turning up the TV, I continued to ignore what was going on outside. All the noise outside stopped after a while dn i had to fight myself again. I relaxed as the quiet went on for some time. Finally allowing myself to doze off again, I was startled awake when there was a knock on my window. Knowing he wouldn't stop, I threw open the blinds and stood there with my hands on my hips and my mouth agape.

"David." I breathed as I took in the sight of him hovering outside my fourth floor window. He looked disheveled and slightly sick.

"(Y/N)." He called through the glass. "Please." I went to close the blinds when he put his palms on the window. "I just want to talk. Please." I shook my head as tears started to run down my face.

"David." I put my hands over his. "I can't. Please go away." David shook his head.

"I will get in. I am asking as a courtesy." I could hear the growl in his voice and nodded in resignation.

"Alright." I unlocked the window and David climbed over the window sill. "You better make this quick and believe that if you don't leave when i tell you I can and will stake you." I pulled back my pillow to show him the wooden stake I had hidden there.

"I believe you." David said as he carefully came into the room and sat at my desk. "I just..." He took a deep breath before meeting my eyes. "I needed to check on you. I know how hard it is. I know what it's like to find out something you thought was made up is actually real. I don't care if you never want to see me ever again but I will check up on you. I care too much about you to just let you walk away while just learning about everything you thought was fake." I watched as David shyly played with his coat.

"I'm fine David." I sighed. "Learning about what you are is no big deal. I had my suspicions about that kind of stuff anyway." David faintly smiled as I settled back on my bed. "It's that you told me the way you did." He nodded.

"It could have been better. I planned on telling you differently. And I didn't plan on telling you last night. I wanted to ease you into it. But the boys didn't listen to me. And I had to tell you. There was no way I could lie myself out of it." David hung his head. "I'm very sorry for that." I nodded as he looked back up at me.

"So why did you think I would need someone to check up on me?" I asked after a while.

"Because when I was turned, I didn't take it all that well. The boys took it well enough. Laddie, Star, and Marko took it the hardest. I figured that you still being human, your fight or flight might still be going." David explained. I shook my head, growing more comfortable in his presence by the second.

"Max helped me calm down." I shrugged. David scoffed.

"Max." He grumbled. "You don't even know do you?" I chuckled.

"He's a vampire too." I said to David's shock. "It wasn't that hard to put the pieces together after last night David." He nodded. "I didn't go in today at Max's request. I have tomorrow off as well."

"So you haven't let him know you know about him? Or me?" David asked.

"He has no idea I know anything. I didn't know last night he was one. So I kept your secret safe." I assured him. David nodded. We fell into a semi-comfortable silence.

"Well since you're doing fine. I'll head out." David said getting up. I watched him walk to the window. "I'll just go the way I came." He gave me a sad smile. "Goodbye (Y/N)." He turned towards the window and put his hands on the sill. I watched as he took a deep breath before turning back towards me. "I love you." I froze as David turned to look at me, eyes full of sadness. "I shouldn't and I shouldn't have said it but I do. And I just need you to know that before I walk out of your life for good." David looked down before nodding and looking up at me again. "I love you and I'm going to leave you alone. Good luck and goodbye." He was out of the window in a flash. I ran over and leaned out. He was walking to his motorcycle.

"David!" I called. "Wait!" I leaned too far out the window and screamed as I started to fall. David turned as if in slow motion. I squeezed my eyes shut ass my body hit the ground and everything turned black.

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