Chapter 5

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AN: I might take a short break from this story to update my others as well as figure out where I'm going with this one. Enjoy!

We kissed some more before I had to go. David drove me back to the boardwalk. He stalled while watching me walk away.

"You sure you have to go home now?" He called after me. I turned around with a laugh.

"I'm sure!" I called back. "I work tomorrow David. I gotta go to sleep! Good night!" I walked backwards while David watched me from his bike. I gave him a final wave before I turned the corner and headed towards my apartment building. I quickly went through my nightly routine before going to bed. As I tried to fall asleep, I ran my fingers over my lips, thinking about David and the many kisses that we had shared that night. The next morning, I got up and went about my business. As I was headed out of the door, I slipped on my jacket and turned around to lock my door. I slipped the keys into my pocket but felt something else in there. I pulled out David's gloves and smiled at them. I slipped them on and started my walk to work.

It was a long, boring day at the video store. Max came in at his usual time and greeted me with a hug. It was tighter and longer than his usual hugs so I knew he was checking me over to make sure that David hadn't hurt me the night before.

"I'm fine Max. Nothing happened last night." I assured him as he pulled away from the hug and went about clocking in.

"Are you sure?" Max asked, concern lacing his voice. I shook my head and laughed.

"I'm sure Max. Nothing bad happened." I moved from behind the counter to grab the stack of movies that needed to be put away.

"When you say nothing bad....." Max's eyes followed me around the store. I had to hide my blush and smile by hiding behind one of Max's many displays. "(Y/N), what do you mean when you say nothing bad happened?" his voice was slightly raised. Enough to tell me that I was in possible trouble but not enough to alert the other people in the store. I caught a glimpse of the clock as I was hiding from Max and silently thanked my lucky stars that David would be arriving soon. He hadn't actually said anything about coming to get me tonight. It was kind of expected at this point. Turning the corner, I nearly ran into Max who grabbed my arm to keep me from running away. "(Y/N). Please answer me." The look on his face was almost too much to bare.

"He didn't do anything to me Max." I shook my head at his overprotectiveness. "All that happened was he took me to watch the sunset on the beach and we went back to his place." I shrugged free of Max's hold and finished putting the movies back. Moving behind the counter, I kept my eye on the boardwalk, knowing David wouldn't come back in the store with Max watching him.

"You went to his place?" Max had come up behind me and cornered me. I sighed.

"Yes Max. I went back to his place. We sat and talked and had a good time." I responded. "He even drove me back here so I could get home." Max looked at me carefully. I could tell he was checking to see if I was lying.

"A good time." He sighed. "If that's all then I guess I have nothing to worry about." A flash of a bike and it's blond haired rider caught my eye.

"If you don't need me tonight...." I trailed off as I started to clock out. Max saw what I was looking at and shook his head.

"No. Go have fun." Max sighed. He stood aside and let me grab my things from under the counter. "But if he does anything, you'll tell me right?" I laughed and nodded.

"Of course I will Max." I shrugged on my jacket and pulled on David's gloves. I noticed Max's gaze lingered on the gloves for a second. "You're the closest thing I have to a father out here. And besides..." I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I tell you everything." I smiled at him and made my way to the front of the store.

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