
"So?" Yoongi asked raising his eyebrows.

Jimin wrinkled his nose immediately putting the cup down. He stuck his tongue out shaking his head no.

"Fuck. Gross. No. Ew."

"Okay asshole I get it. Your fucking empathy sucks by the way."

"I'm sorry it's just so nasty. Mint and chocolate should never mix."

Yoongi huffed crossing his arms over his chest. It had obviously hurt his feelings Jimin didn't love it because he loved it. With all of his soul.

Jimin was definitely not his soulmate.

If he didn't like mint chocolate they were obviously not meant to be.

"Okay, okay. Maybe I was a little rough. I mean it's not that terrible." He added hoping to make it less painful for him.

"It's amazing. You would clearly not survive in the life of Min Yoongi."

"That's why you're you and I'm me. Maybe that's the reason you and I click so well."

Yoongi blinked rapidly putting his guards down once again. He just always knew what to say.

"You think we click?"

"Yeah. Of course. You're my complete opposite but I kind of fuck with it. You know?"

"Uh huh." He said a bit mesmerized.

Every time he looked at him he just got more gorgeous. He brought up his finger to his plumped lip.

He nibbled on it lightly and then ran his fingers through his hair. Fuck. If he didn't know science or the way nature worked, Yoongi would've sworn the cause of tsunamis was Park Jimin.

"What?" He chuckled once he noted him staring.

"Nothing. Uhh-you-you want that chocolate?" He asked pouting to the cup.

"Oh no. It's all yours. I've put my mouth on it. Do you mind?"

"No. I'm not a germ freak at all." He told reaching over to grab it. The more the merrier.

Jimin put his hand over his, "Do you remember when we were little kids and we use to believe that we kissed people if we drank after them?"

Yoongi nodded slowly and he laughed finally pulling his hand away. "What a crazy thought huh?"

"Yeah. Totally." He gulped. Crazy to think he was basically imagining that. His inner self was fanboying about drinking after him.

"Where to next?" Jimin asked leaning back.

Yoongi finished drinking the hot chocolate and sighed satisfied. Jimin's eyes widen, "What the fuck? You literally swallowed all that in like three seconds!"

"Oh, it's nothing. I've swallowed more."

"Damn. Like what?"

"Well, this one time this dude cam—" Yoongi quickly cleared his throat stopping himself from finishing. No pun intended.

Jimin kept a blank stare and Yoongi didn't know what to do. He hadn't meant to make things weird.

"So you...you've actually...?" Jimin himself didn't even know why he was asking. Actually he did know why he was asking.

He just didn't want to admit it out loud. Admitting that you were curious of your own sexuality would only make it real.

"I mean...yeah."

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