Tsukishima noticed your limp body moving around with every turn the bus took. "You are the ugliest (Cutest) sleeper." He whispered to you. He knew you would have a sore neck if you kept sleeping the way you were, so he gently moved your head so it leaned on his shoulder. His heart began to rise into his throat as he stared at you.

'I wish I never met you, because you give me foolish thoughts and feelings. You make me wanna- ugh.' Tsukki thought.
You nuzzled your head on his shoulder and got comfortable.

After a couple of short minutes, he laid his head on top of yours and fell asleep. You both absorbed each other for the rest of the ride there.
An hour later, you woke up to flashes of light.

"There so cute!" Someone whispered.

"Aweee." Someone else squealed.

"You guys are gonna wake them up!" You heard another faint voice say.

You jolted awake and fixed your neck, immediately waking up Tsukishima. The both of you stared at all the boys surrounding you. "At least I got a picture! Look!" Nishinoya shoved his phone in Tanakas face.

You wiped your eyes and yawned. "What." You said in a raspy whisper. "You guys were totally cuddled up!" Tanaka answered. "Tch." Tsukishima scoffed. He crossed his arms and looked out the window.

You groggily fixed your self up and groaned an answer. "Yeah yeah.."

"Sit down for crying out loud!" You heard Daichi yell.

"Tsukki I've never seen you so close with someone!" Yamaguchi said. Everyone awed at his words. "Shut up Tadashi." He groaned. "Gomen Tsukki!" He quickly replied.

Once you guys arrived, you stopped at the hotel first and unpacked. Terushima and his team were nowhere to be found. "Where's-." You started.

"Johzenji got here 10 minutes before us. They are already in the gym." Suga answered your question as he knew what you were going to ask. You nodded your head in response.

You walked down a hallway to find the bathroom. Many door said different things like 'kitchen' and 'laundry.' You found the girls restroom and changed into your practice clothes. The white T-shirt, black joggers and Karasuno windbreaker looked good on your body. You fixed your hair into a bun in the mirror before you left.

As you made your way back down the hallways, you saw the boys in their practice clothes waiting for you. You took a jog towards them and headed for the gyms.

The building was huge and you looked like nothing more than an ant walking along side  the tall boys. You noticed some other sports teams walking in the halls. Most of which winked at you or gave you distracted looks. This made Tsukishima more than annoyed but he brushed it off. Once you turned a corner, the squeaks and thuds of the room could be heard. Behind the doors contained your best friend and you became more than exited.

Daichi opened the door. All heads turned to the team who towered you. You couldn't see anything over Asahi who was standing right in front of you.

"Ahh the party has arrived! Where's speedy?" You heard Terushima say. You pushed Asahi and took a sprint towards your best friend.

"YUUJIIII!!!" You screamed. You ran towards him with open arms.

He opened his arms and stood his ground, waiting for you. You took a leap and jumped on the boy. You wrapped your legs around his back and your arms around his neck. He held you and hugged you tight.

Not even friends.                                         (Tsukishima x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now