Chapter 4; Fin

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I regret texting that Bashar nigga. I mean he's cute but he has really bad anger issues and he's steady blowing me up.

Like now, I was getting a call.

"Oh my god what!" I spat, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

Which I probably should've.

"Well damn, hello to you too." Shèyaa mumbled.

"I'm sorry Shey, I thought you were someone else..Is everything good?" I asked.

"No not really. You need to get to the hospital now. Taurus got in a car accident." He said.

"W-what oh my god!" I yelled, throwing a hoodie and some sweats on.

Shèyaa told me what happened and I was so angry, at him for letting Taurus leave. But they were both drunk so it's really not his fault.

I don't care what we're going through. Taurus will always hold near and dear to my heart.

I've been messing around with him for almost six months now, and I think it's safe to say.

I love Taurus.

I wouldn't tell him this though yet, but it's very much true.

After going back and forth with Shèyaa I was finally on my way to the emergency room, praying that Taurus was ok.

Once I got there I saw Shèyaa and Nick, sitting in the waiting room.

"Aye.." They looked up at me.

I walked over to them and sat down, Nick immediately curled into my lap.

He was probably in little space. I truly couldn't deal with this right now.

" how old are you?" I asked.

"I-I'm four." He mumbled.

I groaned softly and looked down at him. He was pouting.

"I-I'm not mad at you Nicky, Ima call your daddy ok?"

He smiled slightly and nodded.

I called Von and he answered on the fourth ring.

"Yea Tione?" He mumbled.

"I need you to get to the hospital, Taurus was in an accident and Nick is in little space and I can't deal with this right na." I rushed out.

"Ah fuck, ok I'll be there in fifteen." He said before he hung up.

I told Nick he was coming before placing him in a seat. Waiting on something-anything-about Taurus.

"Taurus Bartlett?"

Me and Shèyaa got up, and the doctor came over to us.

"Hi guys, So I have some good news. Mr.Bartlett was on the driver side, and the truck hit the passenger side, so luckily he is in stable condition, but his memory might be slightly hazy. He remembers who he is- but he kept asking for this Tione. Unfortunately he doesn't remember his parents, things like that. I'll let you guys see him now though. If you have any questions please press the little button in his room." She smiled, shaking our hands.

"Go head T, I'll stay with Nick." Shèyaa said to me.

I took a shaky breath and nodded, following her to his room.

"I'll leave you two alone." She patted my shoulder and walked off.

I stepped in the room and Taurus looked at me.

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