Chapter 24 | 1997

Start from the beginning

"Malfoy looks horrible."

Maeve glanced in the direction of the whisper. She had thought it was one of her friends, but it was actually a pair of wizards around her parents' age. One had a thick, but well-groomed black beard, the other had slicked-back dark hair.

Turning to the door that led to the entrance hall, Maeve caught sight of what they had meant. The two hadn't been poking fun at Draco, who walked between his parents, but Lucius Malfoy. He had a shadow along his jaw from lack of attention and purple smudges beneath his eyes. In short, he looked nothing like the all-powerful man he had seemed to be years ago in the daily prophet and the odd time she'd caught a glance at him at the train station.

Out of habit, Maeve's eyes darted to Draco. He had his nose held high, and his eyes were narrowed to slits as he glared at the guests who dared to stare at him and his family. He had gained an unhealthy looking pallor after mere days after returning home.

Aside from that, however, he looked just as he did wandering the halls of Hogwarts.

Narcissa hadn't changed a hair on her head since Maeve had seen her at Diagon Alley. She couldn't help but respect the woman. Narcissa Malfoy was made of tougher stuff than she appeared to.

Maeve broke her gaze from the family and tuned back into the idle conversation her friends had been engaged in for quite some time. It had turned into more of an argument at some point, but she couldn't recall exactly when.

Pansy took a threatening step towards Theo, "All that I am saying, Theo, is that — "

Heart jumping to her throat, Maeve threw back the remainder of the sparkling wine in her glass and dropped it on a tray of a passing waiter.

Her parents had arrived.

"Have to dash," she murmured to her friends half-heartedly. She expected they wouldn't notice her absence until they had well and truly settled their debate.

As she had been before, her parents' eyes canvased the room. No doubt Pansy's parents had informed them of her being a stowaway. They were looking for her.

Angelica Selwyn was clad in a black dress that matched her father's dark dress robes. It reminded Maeve of the Death Eater's robes she'd seen them wearing.

Catching sight of a familiar figure, Maeve darted forward and slid beside Crabbe and Goyle, "well, hello boys. Would one of you care to dance?"

The two exchanged looks that either meant they were surprised or disgusted at the prospect. Her confusion was remedied when Goyle took her hand in his meaty one and he steered her toward the centre of the room.

The music was fast-paced, and Goyle was a surprisingly agile dancer. He twirled her around more than necessary, making her dizzy, but it was a pleasant distraction. The two were laughing by the time they came to a stop as the music ended.

Goyle bowed mockingly, "a pleasure."

Maeve curtsied, "'twas all mine."

Then, she caught sight of her father. Their eyes locked and he began striding towards her. She smiled apologetically at Goyle and slipped into the dancers that stood idle as they waited for the next song to begin.

Wearing green to a Christmas party that had a guest list dominated by those who had attended Hogwarts as Slytherins turned out to be perfect camouflage. Half of the guest-list wore some shade of green or other.

Finally breaking free from those standing on the dance floor, Maeve looked around for her next possible hiding spot. The exit was looking rather appealing, but just as the thought crossed her mind, her mother appeared. She joined Narcissa and Lena Flint in conversation right at the mouth of the entrance hall.

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