Chapter Two

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"That boy is an Uchiha." Hashirama's father, Butsuma, stated bluntly. He was also known as the Earl of Nature, the clan leader. Butsuma was a tall tan Fae with short spiky brown hair and tall birch horns. His ears were pointy with edges like a leaf. Hashirama was his son, the direct heir to the Senju clan, part of the main family.

"Wha- how did you know-!?"

"Tobirama has been spying on you."

Hashirama turned his head to Tobirama, who crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

"But. . . he's an Uchiha?" Hashirama couldn't imagine the nice black-haired spirit was the one killing his family.


Hashirama looked down at his feet.

"I assume he already knows you are a Senju."

"R-really? Why hasn't he attacked?"

"That I do not know."

Hashirama knew. Because Madara was his friend.

"His transformation was today. I do not believe that he will be coming back." Hashirama said.

"Hm. We have yet to know where the Uchiha base is. We do not have the resources for an attack." Butsuma stood and walked out of the room, leaving Hashirama and Tobirama with their thoughts.

"Why do we have to fight them?" Hashirama said quietly.

"Grown-ups are idiots," Tobirama spoke up. "If they really want to bring an end to this endless fighting, they need to sit down with one another and reach a truce."

Hashirama nodded. He wasn't as smart as Tobirama, despite being the older sibling, but he understood this well.


At the Uchiha base, Madara was having a similar conversation.

"I know." Madara touched his newly-found sharp teeth.

"Why haven't you done anything!?" Madara's father, Tanjima yelled, showing his full mouth of pointed teeth.

"Careful what you say, five-tails." Madara smirked. His family was a small branch family in the clan, even the adults only had five or less tails. They were significantly less powerful than the main family. But anyone can become the clan leader, they just have to have power. Madara, despite being around thirteen, had six tails. So he assumed he had higher authority over all the Kitsune with five or less tails.

Tanjima growled. "I'm still your father. You must respect me."

"Do I, though?" Madara smirked, standing up. His tails made him lose balance, and he fell. "Ack-!" Madara flushed in embarrassment as his father glowered at him. Madara stood again, crossed his arms and walked out of the room. But as he turned, he pondered about the conversation with Tanjima.

"Why haven't you done anything!?" The words rang in his head. Why hadn't he? Hashirama's clan killed his family! He could have used Hashirama as a bargaining chip, or something. Then Hashirama's face, his smile, came into Madara's memory. His face heated up and he looked down.

Hashirama had gone through his Fae transformation after a little while. He had horns that looked like small oak branches coming from his head, pointed ears that had ridges like a leaf, sharp claws, and an oak tail with a bundle of leaves at the end that he could somehow move at his own will. He adapted to his new form quickly, often using his tail to hold or move things. He found himself thinking of Madara a lot, wondering what he looked like now, or what he was doing at the moment. He really missed Madara. Sure, Madara made fun of his hair or would sometimes cheat in their competitions, but he was a good person. He still couldn't imagine Madara being an Uchiha.


The Uchiha and Senju were still at war with each other, small battles occurred every once in a while between the two clans. Hashirama chose not to take part of them, worried he would have to fight Madara. The clan elders wanted him to fight, but they had to obey the heir.

Madara wasn't fighting either, despite the constant nagging from the clan leader, Kuwa Uchiha, or the King of Hellhounds. Kuwa had eight tails, the most anyone has ever had in the Uchiha clan, besides the founder, Seiso Uchiha. She had nine tails, the max amount of tails any Kitsune has ever gotten. Madara's goal since he was little was to get as many, if not more, than the famed founder of his clan. From the way things were going, that didn't seem much of a stretch. The average Kitsune of the Uchiha clan gained three to four tails from childhood to adulthood.

Fae, on the other hand, don't believe that a spirit's rank, or in the Kitsune's case, number of tails, shows a spirit's power. They have titles, but only for the main family. They think anyone in the main family can become a leader. From the moment Hashirama was born, he was the Spirit of Creation, destined to become the Senju clan's leader. And he accepted it too.


"Father." Tobirama walked into his father's study, bowing his head.

"Yes, my son?" Butsuma didn't even lift his head.

"The Uchiha - the one Hashirama was meeting up with - is back at the river."

"Hm? Oh, that one. Follow him. Make a mental map of where the Uchiha base is. Come back right away."

"Yes, Father."

(AN: Another chapter yay! Once again, please leave feedback!)

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