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After a few minutes, Lucas and Layla were into one of the hotel's suites. Layla spent time admiring the luxurious surroundings until she noticed the doors leading to the large balcony. She went straight outside, letting her eyes travel around to take in the breathtaking view. It was a while before she heard Lucas's footsteps approaching her.

"Nice view, hah?"

"Yeah..." she responded, still not looking at him. She saw him with the corner of her eye leaning his back on the ledge, taking out his cigarettes from his pocket. For someone so persistent to talk to her, today of all days, he was really taking his time.

"I did love you, you know." The confession escaped his mouth so unexpectedly, she felt her heart stopped beating. She could not find a single thing to say to that. How many times she had wished to hear these words from him! But now, it was neither the place nor the time. Now, it was too late.

Lucas took a drag from his cigarette. "But we didn't belong together. I belong with Sofia, I always did. You belonged with someone else."

Layla was stunned. Just when she thought that maybe he had the decency to offer her a closure. An admission of love that would heal the feelings of betrayal and deception which tortured her for years. No. He resorted to bullshit once again.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples to calm herself. She didn't want another epic fight with him. Not here. Not now. Not ever again.

"Okay, Lucas." She exhaled loudly. "Let's see if I understand this correctly. Is this some... weird way of apologizing for the way you treated me?" Layla moved to face him straight on. "Because I have to be honest with you, I don't believe in such nonsense, of people belonging together, soulmates, and stuff like that." She took a few steps closer to him, their bodies only inches away. "I believe in people determined to make a relationship work. And you never gave ours a chance."

Furious, she turned her back on him, wanting to leave. She had no interest whatsoever in listening to anything else he had to say, when he uttered the only word that had the power to make her stop.


"Don't you dare" -Layla snapped, pointing her finger at him- "don't you dare bring him into this!" She glared at him, her breathing becoming heavy.

"Layla, please listen to me!" His angry tone startled her. He shook his head in resignation and crushed the butt into the ashtray before speaking again, keeping his voice soft and calm. "Please let me finish."

He took two cigarettes from the pack, offering the one to her. They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before she accepted it. After he lit them both, he gestured for them to sit on the outdoor sofa.

"You and I were both devastated after his death. We found comfort in each other, being his two closest friends. We were trying to find him, to keep a piece of him."

Layla's resolve started abandoning her. "Why are you telling me these things?" she asked, her voice sounding like the whisper of a ghost. And like a ghost she was feeling. The ghost of nightmares past. The ghost of nightmares present. But what she was supposed to learn from all this, she really had no idea.

Lucas looked at her, and his eyes were the saddest she had ever seen. "Because you were meant to be with him. He was in love with you, I know it. Always has been. He had told me so himself!"

The cigarette dropped from her fingers. Total silence fell, and all the lights went out. That was what it felt like to Layla as if someone had thrown her in deep, dark waters. She could see herself submerging all the way to the bottom, suffocating. Someone had taken all the air, sound, and light out of the room.

The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now