Chapter 10 | Panic! At the cafeteria (2/2)

Start from the beginning


I glance at the time on my phone and see that it's 5 am. My father didn't go to sleep until two hours ago after stumbling in from the bar. I stand up and turn off my alarms. I got no sleep therefore, I'm going to need a shitload of caffeine. I stand up and shower again and get ready to cover any bruises.


"You're late Tyler." Mrs. Wilson, my English teacher, said without glancing from her computer. I looked up and saw him casually leaning against the door. He had the same distant, cold look in his eyes which softened slightly when he saw me.

He had on wrist cuffs, his signature black on black outfit and his earrings as well. He moved his head to look at the teacher which is where I caught a glimpse of his tattoo.

"I'm late? Wowwww I had nooooo Ideaaaaa" he replied sarcastically. I saw the teacher visibly stiffen. "Drop the attitude or there's the door, and you can march right down to principal Rudd's office." she pointed to the door and he raised his brow.

I know he's a jackass and all but something was up, he wasn't usually this rude.

"Fine by me." he shot a group of drooling girls a wink before walking out. They sighed in unison and I rolled my eyes.

Girls, tsk tsk

"Mrs. Wilson, can I go to the washroom?" I asked and she nodded. I stood up and more or less ran out of the class. "Hey, jackass wait!" I yelled after him and he turned around looking amused. "Can you come back to class, please? I have some ideas for the project and I need to discuss them with you." He gave me a look and I sighed. "I know you don't wanna go back but-" "Yeah no shit Sherlock what you want a cookie for figuring that out?"

That's it! I tried to be nice.

"Look asshole, I know you don't care about your education but I care about mine. So stop being a dick and just come back to class, you know what? Forget it, I'll leave you alone and also, drop the attitude, it makes you even more intolerable." I spun around but before I could walk away I felt his warm hands wrap around my wrist.

I faced him, arms crossed. He sighed "I'm sorry, I had a bad morning and that's no excuse. I shouldn't have said that and look, I know we don't exactly like each other but I think for the sake of our friends we should try and get along."

I blinked. Then again. Once more.

"Wow, I was not expecting that but um, yeah it's okay and yeah I guess we could call a truce." I held out his hand and he shook it. We then walked back into class.

It's not even lunch and my day's already taken a turn for the unexpected.


I was currently at the table with Tyler, Ali and Tess. Ethan and Dylan told us to be early and wait for them so here we were.

"So!" Dylan began before he even sat down. "I'm having a party at my place Friday night for Halloween, you guys down?"

"Hell yea!" Ethan said

"Yup," Tyler said

"Yes," Tessa said

"Mhm," Ali said

They all turned to me and I smiled "yes of course I'm in!" "yes!" Dylan said before going into detail.

"You guys wanna help me shop for stuff this week? I'm starting today." Another round of yes' went around the table before they looked at me expectantly again. "I can't, I've got work." "You work? Since when?" Ethan asked and I shrugged and sipped on my juice. "Since like a week ago, I work at The Palm Tree Diner." The bell rang before Ethan could pester me with more questions so I took this as an opportunity to go. "Bye guys," I said as we part ways.


Gym. Physical education. Whatever you call it. I know she's here. I can feel her glare. She didn't eat with us at lunch today so I got a break from her and no matter if I'm with Ali and Tess or not she and I are going to be fighting.

And it's dodgeball today. Yippee Ki-yay. I could see the slight bruise which she had tried so hard to cover up. Unlike her, I have experience with covering bruises hence why my bruise doesn't show.

Mr. Ramos, our gym teacher blew the whistle and everyone charged to get the balls, however, Ali, Tess and I stayed back as well as BAR. Did I tell you about the new acronym? Well, I'll say it anyway. Bitch, Asshole and Repulsive. It suits them much better.

All of a sudden a ball flew out of nowhere and I caught it before throwing it full force towards the three stooges. A loud shriek followed by a stampede of three furious looking girls.

I smiled nicely, "can I help you?" "You bitch I broke another nail and I just got this done!" I mock gasped "a nail? You poor thing!" if looks could kill I'd been gone forever ago.

She slapped me. She just slapped me. AGAIN.

I balled up my fists and punched her again causing her to topple over but before I could land another one I was pulled back by a fuming Mr. Ramos.

Both of you will run laps until the bell rings. He blew his whistle. "Go!" He barked and we immediately scurred and began running laps.

I, really, really hate her.


"You need to stop getting into so many fights," Tyler said as he wrapped my hand. "It was just yesterday and now you went and got into another one? What were you thinking?" "I don't think you understand, I hate bitches and she is their leader so excuse me for getting angry." I more or less yelled.

He sighed and cleaned up while I sat on the bed in the nurses' office. He turned around when he was done and there it was. The same piercing sky blue eyes that bore into mine. We stared at each other for sometime before the door opened and Bianca walked in holding an ice pack. "What?!" She barked and I stood up and walked past her, intentionally bumping her shoulder in the process.

"Thanks for the hand Tyler." I turned back around waving the middle finger at a fuming Bianca before walking out. It was the end of the day and I was already almost late for work.

Stupid temper.

I sat in my car and drove off to work like a madman. I couldn't afford to lose this job, it was the only thing holding me together, without it, I couldn't pay the bills and we'd have to become homeless, not to mention my dad would be forced to be sober which would only be worse for everyone.

I arrived shortly after and got out and rushed inside with only moments to spare. I quickly changed and got back out. "Bella, you're here fantastic, I have a table that needs to order and tables 6 and 8 need a clean, also could you close up tonight?" My boss said. "Yes of course, and I'll get right on it!" "Perfect! Also, Could you hang up the Halloween decorations in the storage room before you leave?" "Of course no problem!" I said mock enthusiastically. He smiled and walked back into his office.

Great, just great, fan-fudging-tastic.


I put the last of the decorations up and took a last sweep of the diner just to make sure everything was in place. I sighed when I was content with the state of the diner. It was 11 pm and I was exhausted. Fights take a toll on a person.

I flipped the sign to close and went to get changed. I came out and froze when I saw him standing there. It was only a matter of time, it happened every single time.

I cleared my now dry throat. "Hello, father." He had a beer bottle in hand and his beard was messy and he smelled disgusting. "Where is it?" Before I could talk, the bell over the door chimed and to my luck, in walked Bianca.

Oh for the love of God

Hope you enjoyed it!!

Sorry for the delay but school is killing me! I've had two tests EVERY SINGLE WEEK. It's not fun.

Teenager post #002: That look you give your friends when someone attractive walks in the room

Yeah I know that look, I've given it a few time hehe

Anyway...please comment & vote and stay tuned 'cause some stuff's gonna happen next chapter!


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