Chapter 7: Kurain

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so I forgot Pearl existed
so I forgot about the first case entirely even thought I've been playing it again for months
don't @ me I'm a disorganized mess
I am the queeng of retcons I declare this a flashback

When Phoenix visited Kurain Village, he didn't expect there to be a murder. 

Nor did he expect a little girl to be shipping him with his best friend.

"You're Mystic Maya's 'special someone!'"

"Wh-WHAT?" Pearl put her hands on her face.  "You're going to help her right?" Phoenix nodded slowly. Pearl squeaked. "Oh, wow! It's like a fairy tale! That look in your eyes.. It must be true love!" She hopped up and down. "I'm so jealous of Mystic Maya! How wonderful!"

"Eh, Pearl, I think you might have some of the facts mixed up." The little girl bit her thumb and looked to the side. "But Mystic Maya talked about you so much, and she said that you do have a special someone, and so it has to be her! Right? Right?" 

She bounced up and down. Phoenix went quiet for a bit as he stared blankly at her. "I don't have a special someone." 

Pearl looked down for a second. "Oh.." Then she perked up. "That just means you're waiting to ask out Mystic Maya, right?" Phoenix groaned. "Pearl-" Pearl smiled. "Then it's settled. I may be small, but I'll help you any way that I can, Mr. Nick!"

Phoenix sighed. "Then I guess we better get to investigating." Pearl smiled.


Gumshoe was unhelpful as always. He wasn't giving them any information, and- "It's about von Karma." What? von Karma?? Phoenix's shock must have spread to his face or something, because Gumshoe put up a hand. 

"Wait, it's not him, pal. It's his successor." Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief. Manfred von Karma wasn't coming back. 

But just the mention of that name... 

The images flooded his mind, threatening to send him reeling. On the witness stand. Curled into a ball on the floor of the detention center. His hand pressed against the glass divider. Tears streaming down his face. His head on Phoenix's shoulder. Their hands wrapped around one another, warm and-

Stop. None of that matters anymore. He's gone. 

"Mr. Nick?" Phoenix blinked. The two of them were staring at him. "Oh, y- um, sorry. Just.. Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" Gumshoe hung his head. He looked- guilty? Nervous? Understanding? It was hard to tell. 

Pearls put her hands on her hips. "Mr. Nick, you can't just zone out like that, even if you're thinking about Mystic Maya." Phoenix didn't know why, but that sentence annoyed him. He managed to stay calm, however. 

Gumshoe scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry about this, pal." Phoenix shook his head. "No, it's fine. Not like you can control who the prosecutor is." Gumshoe smiled. "Nope. But I can tell you about the one you're up against." Phoenix smiled too. "Thanks, Gumshoe." 


"WHAT?! VON KARMA??" Maya shouted. Phoenix waved his hands in front of himself. "No, no, not that von Karma. He had a daughter." Maya let out a breath. "Jeez, that scared me." Pearls was in the corner of Phoenix's eye, her sleeve rolled up threateningly. Maya didn't seem to notice. "I still wish it had been Edgeworth. At least he would be nicer." Phoenix froze. 

Pearl bit her thumb. "Mr. Ed-ji-worth? who is that?" Maya grinned. "Oh, he's Nick's 'rival.'" she smirked, doing air quotes at the final word. She crossed her arms and looked like she was thinking. "Man, I haven't seen him in a while. All their courtroom battles were so exciting! Nick, how is he do-"

"Maya!" Maya jumped. "Don't bring up his name anymore, please." The spirit medium put a hand over her mouth. "Oh, no. Did you two split?" Phoenix sighed. "I'm sorry. I forgot you didn't know."

"He's gone, Maya. And he's not coming back." Maya's eyes went wide. "What's that supposed to mean, Nick?!" Phoenix really didn't want to go into detail, and luckily, the bailiff saved him from having to. "Court will commence shortly. Please proceed into the courtroom."

Aye this chapter was just me condensing all the even slightly wrightworth related parts from the first part of the 2nd jfa case
I'll do more next chapter

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