Chapter 2: The Trial's End

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Wow. Edgeworth hadn't thought it would actually happen. He was sure that he had committed the murder, and he had even thought out an apology to Wright for wasting his efforts. But no, yet again there was a turnabout. He had no idea how Wright did it every time. 

But, perhaps the most surprising part of the whole ordeal was the name of the real culprit. Manfred von Karma, who had taken care of Edgeworth since the incident. And yet, it seemed as if Wright had seen it coming. Had he? Had he known this whole time? Or was he bluffing again? He did that a lot, but he was surprisingly good at finding the truth through those means. Edgeworth couldn't tell. What he could tell was that the Judge's gavel was banging down and he was being declared Not Guilty. 

Edgeworth looked over at Wright. He looked pleased, but mostly terrified and relieved. That Fey girl was laughing and patting his arm. Wright was laughing too. He noticed Edgeworth and stopped, turning to him. His bright blue eyes met Edgeworth's. The defense attorney grinned and winked, shooting Edgeworth a thumbs up. Edgeworth blinked and looked away. Staring wasn't a very good habit, especially at your rival.

When they got to the Defendant's Lobby, Wright ran up to him beaming. "Edgeworth!" Edgeworth blinked. "Hello." The Fey girl- Maya, right?- rolled her eyes. "Come on, we saved you in there! Is that all we get?" Edgeworth sighed. "Fine. Uh.." He fiddled with his suit jacket. "Well, er, thank you. I didn't think you could pull it off?" Wright grinned again. 

"Way to motivate me, tell me you didn't have any confidence in my ability." Edgeworth blushed. He should've known to say something else. Who would find that ? "I'm not good at this." Maya smirked. "You've got a lot to learn, Edgeworth!" Wright snickered and Edgeworth's face went as red as his suit. Luckily, in quite a rare turn of events, Gumshoe saved him. 

"Whooooooooooop!" Edgeworth flinched away as the detective ran in. "You did it, pals! Congrats, sir! Let's celebrate! Dinner's on me!" Maya smiled. "Hear that, Nick? You don't have to pay for the burgers this time!" Gumshoe grimaced. 

"Well, pal, I don't know that I can afford all that. I was just thinking instant noodles like always.." Maya shook her head. "Gumshoe, that's not celebratory at all!" Gumshoe scratched the back of his head. "S-sorry, pal." Maya turned to Edgeworth. "But all that aside, Gumshoe knows how to say thank you! Come on, try it out!"

"Erm, alright then.." Edgeworth cleared his throat. "Whooooooooooop!" There was a silence over the group. Maya made a strangled noise and Wright looked like he was holding back a smile. Gumshoe looked nervous. 

Edgeworth shook his head. "I feel foolish." Maya laughed. "Don't worry, you'll get there." 

"Hey, y'all!" Edgeworth turned and Lotta Hart was standing in front of them. She smiled at him, putting her hands on her hips. "Knew you were innocent!" Edgeworth groaned inwardly. "Th-thank y'all very much."

And oh, no, there's Larry. Edgeworth walked away a bit so they could all celebrate. It was too over the top for him. Someone was behind him. He turned. Wright smiled at him. "They're a bit much, huh?" Edgeworth let a smile find its way onto his face. "A bit." He looked at the defense attorney in front of him and his smile faded. "Wright, can I ask you a question?" The man nodded. "Shoot!" His eyes widened. "Wait- Ahhh, that was a bad choice of words. I'm sorry! I-" Edgeworth laughed a bit. "No, it's fine. But.."

He stayed quiet for a moment. "Wright, why did you believe in me that whole time? Why didn't you just let this case go? Even I thought it was a lost cause. I thought I knew what had happened. What made you disagree so strongly?" Wright blinked. "I've known you for years, Edgeworth. I know we haven't, ya know, been in contact with each other for most of that time, but I know you wouldn't do that sort of thing." Edgeworth nodded slightly. "What made you want to defend me in the first place? I'm your rival.  And anyways, I really care about you, so.." he trailed off, looking anxious. 

"Never mind. I just knew you wouldn't-" Edgeworth put up a hand. "Hold on. What do you mean you care about me?" Wright looked away, his face a bit red. "No, it's just that, um.. Well, just- Look, I don't know why I said that, you know, so." Oh, God. Edgeworth was going to regret this. He put a hand on the stuttering attorney's. Wright looked up. 

"Would you be up to. Celebrating somewhere? Well, not celebrating, that would be, well, I mean, not with, er, Gumshoe and the others? Well, that is to say, that if you were willing, maybe we could, oh I don't know, maybe um, well we could, uh. Movies are nice, um, and I just think that maybe you might want- you might want to movies?" What was that garbled nonsense? It didn't make any sense, it was way too much, and oh Wright was grinning.

"Yeah. That would be nice." Edgeworth smiled, his ears still burning. "Ah, good. Well. When would be convenient for you?" Wright's other hand was around the prosecutor's. "Any time. Whenever you're free. I don't have a lot happening now that this case is over." He stayed still for a moment before he put a small kiss on Edgeworth's cheek.

Edgeworth's eyes widened and he put his hand up to his face, his mouth open. He looked from the floor to Wright to the floor again over and over. "Y-Wh-I-We-B-Ah-How-" 

"I'm sorry." Wright blurted. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. That was a bad idea, and I don't know why I didn't think through it, it shouldn't have happened." Edgeworth blinked. "No, wait. It's- I don't mind! I also feel that. At you. So." Wright sighed. "Okay! Nice. Cool. Then, the movies thing, is that-?" He did an awkward finger gun movement. Edgeworth nodded. "If that's alright, of course." Wright smiled. "Yeah."


Maya and Larry were watching with amusement. Maya stuck out a hand and Larry sighed. "You only won because I didn't know this case existed before today." he grumbled, putting a crinkled 10 dollar bill into her hand. Maya smirked. "Thank you, Larry." She turned to the others, who were still talking. Whatever it was about, it included a lot of very active Lotta hand movements and a lot of Gumshoe looking intimidated. "Come on. They'll be back here any second. I'm gonna get Gumshoe to buy burgers somehow." 

Enjoy this while it lasts losers

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