I kicked the streetlamp, and a couple teenage girls passed me, giggled and staring at me. My sunglasses where hiding most of my face, but come on…I was me.

I smirked at them, and they collapsed in laughter, running away.

I sighed. I had better things to do than wait for this person. I could be rehearsing the stupid play – I definitely didn’t think it would be ready by next week. For one thing, Eric was a terrible singer, so Tyler and Scott had to rewrite most of it, and get some of the choir to sing with him. I don’t know why they were being so nice to Eric. It was kind of…unnatural.

Glaring at the big cinema sign, I counted down in my head. Ten minutes, before I leave.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three…

There was a kind of strangled yelp from behind me. I turned around.

Erica, in a tight figure-hugging black and white dress.

I smirked, lifting up my shades.



“Cris?!” I hissed down the phone. My stilettos (I can’t believe I bothered to get out my stupid, blistering stilettos for Daniel!) clacked against the pavement, as I got as far from Starplex as possible. “How could you do this to me?! How could you do this, without even telling me?”

“What’s he wearing?” Cris asked. I could practically hear him salivating. I glanced back at Daniel, who was still following me. I glared at Daniel, making shoo-ing actions.

“Concentrate, Cris,” I hissed down the phone “Why are you such a prick?!”

“Calm down,” he said, sounding all manager-y again. “It’s for publicity, honey. It’s not like you really have to do anything with him. Unless you wanted to, of course…”


“Only kidding,” he said, hastily. “I’m just trying to point out, that this is for the good of your career –”

“Wait a minute,” I said, interrupting him. I put a hand on the receiver, and glared at Daniel. “Why the hell are you still following me?!”

“It’s late,” Daniel said, smirking. I couldn’t read his eyes under his shades, so I didn’t know if he was being serious or not. “I can’t let a girl go home by herself.”

“I’m older than you, idiot,” I snapped. I took my hand off the receiver. “Cris, how did you even get his details?”

“I go to the same gym as his agent.”

I cussed, and I walked faster, glancing back. Daniel was still following me.

“Look, Erica, darling,” Cris said, sounding tired. “Please, just do this for me. It’s one date. That’s it, okay?”

I stopped, abruptly, and Daniel banging into my back.

“Fine,” I said, melting a little. I can’t help it when someone begs me. I have this uncontrollable urge to say yes. “But just this once, okay?”

I hung up, and glared up at Daniel.

“So, where do you want to go?” he asked, innocently.



She walked on, her hips swaying. The scowl on her face was adorable, but she must’ve thought she was being “tough”.

“Stay at least six feet away from me!” she yelled, glaring at me. It made her so much cuter.

“Or what?” I asked, trying not to sound amused.

“Or I’ll…I’ll…scream rape! People will arrest you!”

I raised an eyebrow. “But…won’t it be obvious I’m not raping you, when people look over, and they see me…not raping you?”

She flushed, looking away. “Yes, well, I…”

That was way too cute to be allowed.

“So, where are we going?”

“Nowhere!” she yelled. “Remember, six feet!” She glared again.

“Do you want to go get something to eat?” I asked. It was getting kind of dark.


“Something to drink?”


“…something to kill?”

She scowled again. “You’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not,” I said, with a perfectly serious face. “There are a lot of stray cats around in LA, and I’m sure no one will miss them, if we just take a couple –”

She stared at me, trying to see if I was joking or not. I maintained my straight face, but her confused look cracked me up in the end. Realizing I was messing with her, she stormed off.

“Hey, wait up!” I called, running after her.



“Do you want to…go to a club?” Daniel persisted.

“No,” I said, trying to walk faster than him, but it’s quite hard to do that when you’re in heels, and he’s not.

“Play guitar hero?”




“Is that an agreement?”

“No!” I yelled, turning around to glare at him again. “Go away!”

My foot caught on an unseen crack in the ground, and suddenly I fell backwards, landing on my butt.

Daniel started laughing, putting his face in his hands.

“Shit,” I cussed, banging on the dirty ground. “Shit!”

Daniel offered me a hand, which I slapped away. I shoved my palms onto the ground, trying to push myself up. Damn it – why was this dress so tight?

I’d managed to struggle to my feet, before I lost my footing, and collapsed again. Daniel laughed even harder, actually doubling over.

“It’s not funny!” I said, glaring at his reproachfully. I’d done a hell of a lot of glaring tonight – probably because of Daniel. I can’t like him, right? Because if I dated, I probably would get wrinkles before I hit twenty-five. “Stop laughing!”

He pulled his sunnies off, wiping his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said, smirking at me. His laughing face made my heart beat fast, and I could feel myself blushing. Damn it, how was he so…hot?! “Can I help you up?”

Grudgingly, I offered a hand. He grabbed it, and pulled me up. I stumbled a bit again, but Daniel put an arm around my waist this time.

“Whoa…” I said, blinking. “Head rush.”

“So,” he said, smirking. I turned, and suddenly realized how close our faces were. “Where do you want to go tonight?”


Author's Note: I <3 Russell Brand.

Anyway, I have decided to enter a story onto Watty Awards, but will only start story Septemberish. Whatever. I could've said I was an iguana, for all you would've cared.

P.S. VOMMENT!!!!!!!!!!

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