"But he was hard to deal because he cant even soft with the doctor making the doctor had to change a new doctor for 5 time." Momo from health doctor.

" Momo from health doctor

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"We wish you luck, Mina." The triple wish her hoping she can handle this patient. Mina nodded and straight go to her room.

' So Jeon Wonwoo his name. He 25 and work as bussines man. Wow a CEO of JW company. I have heard it but never new it had a young CEO. He had depression mental which making his anger high crush anything. He had hurt 3 people because lying the 7 million project. How beast he is. But now he calm when they give a calm pill. So now my duty is i have to make sure to cure his illness and have to keep high patience to control Mr. Jeon anger. '

She check all details of him and making appoinment tomorrow afternoon before lunch.

She not stop checking his profiler until she at her home. She was curious about him and want to know what make him depression so bad.

The next day~

"So you must be Mr. Jeon Wonwoo. Have a sit."

Wonwoo just sit without reply her back

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Wonwoo just sit without reply her back. She just smiled and slowly take a deep breath continoue question him.

"So how your condition? Is it more bad or less?"

"Making me chocking to death."

"Can i see the last bottle pill you take?"

"Here rubbish." He just threw rudely and Mina just keep calm and check the  bottle.

Her was big when she saw the type of pill.

"Wait this is not the right pill. Are you sure this is what you eat for a long time?!"

"Yeah you think im a drugger? The first doctor gave me until all the doctor i met gave the same pill." Wonwoo just rudely crossing his arm.

Mina get up and hurriedly looking the doctor that first counselor him.

"Stay here until i come back, Mr. Jeon!"

When she already saw him, she hurriedly smack his back.

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