Dylan fired off shots, killing a few WLF before returning to cover.

Dylan fired off shots, killing a few WLF before returning to cover

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WLF began to come out from every other building. The trio worked quickly as they returned fire, wiping out any trace of the WLF before they moved on to the TV Station.

"Is that all of them?" Dina asked as she looked to Dylan.

"Hold on." Dylan said.

Dylan stood from cover and wasn't shot.

"We're good." Dylan informed.

Ellie and Dina stood from cover and shook their heads at Dylan.

"What?" Dylan asked as he followed after the couple.

"You're such an idiot." Ellie replied with a smile.

Dylan chuckled and followed the girls. Dylan noticed a gate blocking their way to the TV station. Dylan looked around seeing an upstairs window, leading over the fence.

"Looks like we've got to head up and over." Dylan informed as he headed inside a juice shop.

The girls followed after him as he went upstairs. The trio exited the shop through a whole in the wall, leading down to the ground. Ellie headed over to a booth and prepared to help Dina up on to it.

"Hey, Dina." Ellie called.

"Yeah." Dina replied as she moved over to Ellie, receiving a boost up onto the booth, "Gimme your hand."

Dina helped Ellie up onto the booth and Dylan waited for one of the girls to help him up. The girls both looked out into the distance.

"Hey, that round building!" Dina informed, "It looks like the TV station from your map."

"Yeah." Ellie replied.

Dylan sighed and shook his head.

"Wouldn't know, can't see from down here!" Dylan called up to the girls.

Ellie smiled and leant down to help Dylan, pulling him up onto the booth. Dylan looked out at the round building.

"Oh, that round building. You're right, Dina. Does look a lot like the one from the map." Dylan said sarcastically.

Ellie and Dina smiled and shook their heads.

"C'mon." Ellie said before she dropped down from the booth.

Dylan and Dina followed after her.

"I don't know how I would've done all of this without you..." Ellie said.

"Oh shit!" Dina said alarmed as a clicker came lurking out of a liquor store.

The clicker suddenly exploded into a million pieces. Dylan laughed as he remembered Bill and his traps.

"What the fuck was that?!" Dina asked.

"It ran into a trap." Ellie replied.

"A what?" Dina asked.

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