☁︎︎Book 1: Chapter 5

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Korra followed behind them and called on her pet polar bear dog as they rode it away from the equalists.

Zurin hopped off Naga once he saw that there wasn't anyone following them. He followed after them with his air as he propelled himself above the ground to help fly. One of the things he learned as he trained with Iroh.

They seperated their ways with Mako and Bolin and arrived at the Air Temple Island.

Tenzin spoke with a few White Lotus guards before moving towards Korra and Zurin. "Thank goodness. I was about to send out a search party. Are you alright Korra?"

Dejectedly, Korra looked out into the room ocean and frowned deeply. Zurin shared a look with father as Korra shook her head.

"Korra, what happened? Zurin told me the situation before. Did you find your friend?"

"Yes but... I was at an Equalist rally. I saw Amon."

Tenzin looked aghast as he heard the words spill from Korra's mouth. "What?"

He looked at his son for confirmation, and Zurin could only sigh and nod his head.

"He can take people's bending away. For good."

Tenzin looked at her in disagreement and horror. "Thats impossible. Only the Avatar has ever possessed the abilitiy."

"But I saw him do it. Even Zurin saw it."

Tenzin looked at his son, who had a solemn and serious look. He sighed and put a hand on both their shoulders.

"I believe you. I don't know how Amon has achieved this power, but this means the revolution is more dangerous than ever."

Zurin looked towards his left, where Republic City was. It was beautiful at night, with all the lights illuminating the place.

"No bender is safe."


The following days, Zurin had grown worried for Korra. He could hear her screams during the night and assumed she had nightmares. He himself had been staying up at night, hainted by the events that happened in the Equalist's rally.

Right now however, he had been asked to attend a council meeting with his father. So far, a man named Councilman Tarrlock had been trying to get the approval of the council for his task force against Amon and his equalists.

"There is a mad man running around in out beloved city. Threatening to tear it apart. We need to create a task force whose soul mission is to find Amon and bring him to justice." Now Zurin was all for looking for Amon and the justice. But he sensed something wrong with Tarrlock, a gut feeling is you may.

Before he could voice his thoughts, Tenzin had already spoken up and disagreed with the motion. "Absolutely not. A move that gressive will only further divide benders and non-benders."

A councilwoman, whose name Zurin didn't know, spoke up with her hand up. "Tarrlock, I'm inclined to agree with your proposal. But, who would even head up such a task force."

Tarrlock had a smug grin on his face as he stood up confidently. "It would be my honor and privilege to accept such a duty."

Tenzin looked infuriated as Tarrlock had stepped up to head the task force. "This is one of your ploys to gain more power isn't it. And besides, it would be better if Commander Zurin would lead the task force if we ever needed one."

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