Character Profile:

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Name: Zurin
Age: 22
Nationality: Air nomad, Republic City
Parents: Tenzin and Lin Beifong, Pema ( step-mother )

Physical Appearance::
Height: 6'5
Hair Color: Black with a hint of white
Eye Color: Grey-Blue

Physical Appearance:: Height: 6'5Hair Color: Black with a hint of whiteEye Color: Grey-Blue

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Much like his Tenzin, Zurin is a calm and collected person who tends to be very serious about everything. He is also very patient and caring towards his allies, friends and family.

He also has a bit of a neat person ( although his hair always has this windswept fell to it ) and is very rough when he needs to be. He is a great Airbender and just like his Father, has learned about the Air Nomads and Air Acolytes quite a lot.

His siblings look up to him and love him dearly, making him one of the only people to calm down Ikki and Meelo. He is also somehow Tenzin's favorite son but he doesn't quite show it much. ( Tenzin loves all his children )

Even though he isn't Pema's biological mother, she still treats him with all the love a mother gives. Pema is like the caring and very loving sweetheart of a mother while Lin was the strict but caring and very supportive mother.

He may not show it that much, but one of the things he likes to do is tease Asami about her childhood crush oh him. He loves seeing her flustered and embarrassed. And he does not want to admit that he does happen to love her.

Career: Commander for the United Forces, Air Bending Master, Chi-Blocking Master

love interest: Asami Sato , Princess Ursa II ( ex-girlfriend )
[ an updated character profile will be shown after a few chapters ]

Sky Bison- Geno (jee-no)

oh and Iroh II is 25 here, just 3 years older than Zurin

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