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Tossing and turning in her bed, her doctor's words from a couple days ago echoed in her head. She couldn't seem to catch sleep and there was no specific reason that she could pinpoint. Maybe it was because she was so excited to have a chance to remember everything.

For now, she could only imagine the life she lived before amnesia came to cut it off. Who knows what kind of wonderful things she used to do? Or maybe she was an awful person and that's why only Avan ever visited her.

Liz's anxiety was clawing against the chambers of her heart. Uncertainty, as she remembers, has never been a friend to her. She needed to always be sure of what was to come next because when she didn't, her mind would be restless trying to count the number of ways things could go. Or in this situation, how things could have been.

She finally gave up trying to fall asleep and just lied flat on her bed. Her baby blue eyes stared at the ceiling that hovered above her. She stared at it as if her memories would come back to her and if her gaze could have melted things, she would no longer have a roof over her head.

In an attempt to soothe herself, Liz starts humming as she pulled her blanket up to cover her until her neck. She craved warmth, but not just the kind that a fluffy blanket could provide. The kind of warmth she needed right now was the heat that radiated from a human being. For some reason, when she thought of human heat, her mind would directly go to those familiar chocolate orbs.

Avan was her only friend so maybe it was normal for her to be thinking about him. What she wasn't sure was normal is the way she was imagining how nice it would feel being wrapped around in his embrace, or how soft his lips must feel against hers. She didn't know if this was purely out of curiosity or if it was because he was the only person she's had interaction with for the past few week, but it certainly wasn't because she was starting to grow feelings for him. At least she hoped not for their friendship's sake.

The following morning, she was woken up by the sound of the rays of the sun blinding her and a staff coming in with a beautiful vase of tulips that were of different colors.

"Good morning, sunshine," the sweet black lady greeted as she softly placed the vase on her bedside table. "The card is right here if you wanna read it."

"Thank you so much," Liz politely smiles and suppresses a yawn. "I'll read it after breakfast."

"Breakfast is right here, gorgeous," the kind lady winks and points at the tray on the foot of her bed. "I'll come to collect it later so eat up."

"I will," she nods as the staff walks out of her room.

As the door made a soft thud, Liz stands up to wash her face and gargle before coming back to her bed and pulling the tray filled with a fruit bowl, oatmeal, and orange juice onto her lap. She basically inhales her food before setting the tray on the foot of her bed once more.

Humming to herself again, she yanks the small card off of the vase and opens it to read it. She found herself hoping that Avan was the sender, but find herself a little disappointed as soon as she recognized the squiggly penmanship.


I don't know if you remember me but I really miss you. Get better soon, Liz!


She smiles to herself at the sweet note and tucked it into the notebook she kept under her pillow.

Ariana was one of the few lucky people that Liz's memory permitted for her to recall. They've been best friends since they were 15 and it would have been strange, even in her condition, for her ever to forget that.

Liz has to blink heavily as she took a glance at the colorful flowers.

A flash of many different blur of colors appear in her mind. Then, the colors started to become more focused and the blurs became objects. She was in what looked like a small flower shop, looking at the daisies and tulips. She was searching for something to press in between the pages of the book she just finished.

In the counter, she sees a familiar man. She couldn't quite see his face clearly but when she takes a step closer, he gives her a charming smile.

"How may I be of service today, miss?" says the brown-haired charmer that stood in front of her. "My name is Avan and I'd really like to know yours."

She remembers now. Not everything but something. She remembers how his boyish charms managed to make her swoon and how heated her cheeks had been when she told him his name. She recalls how flirty and kind he had been towards her every time she walked in to that flower shop.

Avan walks in to her room later that day to find her lunging herself onto him. With a surprised chortle, he wraps his arms around her and wishes she would never let go. But alas, she did and she looks up at him with those irresistible blue pools of wonder.

"We met at a flower shop that your aunt owned, didn't we?" she rambled. "Didn't we, Avan?"
I think this story is going a bit too fast. What do y'all think?

our wifi has been fluctuating so bad for the past week and I'm falling behind with all my quizzes.

Hope you enjoyed this. Don't be afraid to comment down your thoughts! Lots of love! Be kind, y'all!

Flowers//Elavanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें