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Take my hand and swirl me around

Let our memories surround us

Like the fragrance of flowers

Like the music that never ceases...

Take me closer to you and show me

Our world in your eyes

Like the vast universe that amazes

Like the splash of colors in a painting...

Take this feel and strap it with love

Make it the sweetest treasure

Like wonders of the world

Like chirping of the birds...

Take a walk with me on our infinite path

Let us walk till there's dawn in the sun

Like the depth of our Earth

Like the shades in a sunrise...

Take my heart and give me yours

For we'll stay close even when we fall apart

Like the waves that come back to the shore

Like the rain that touches the ground...

Take me with you for all your life

Show me your dreams and let's live it

Like the first foot on moon

Like the first smile of a baby

Let our life stay beautiful, with us in it...!

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