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The third voice

Was so soft and gentle.

Surrounded by beautiful

Fragrant flowers

You stand amidst a meadow

Waiting for your prince.

Flowers who bloom daily

Flowers who live for a day.

You pity the flowers

For their short lives.

You stroke them with

Your fingers and bid

Good bye.

After a while

Your Prince arrives.

You run to him and

Gasp as you smile.

It's been years since

You've met his eyes.

The eyes that once

Yearned to lock yours.

He calls you beautiful,

Strokes your cheek

With his stiffened fingers.

You are my only rose- he says

Handing you a bouquet.

The breeze blew- and

The meadow laughed

At this single rose.

My vases have held

Plastic flowers all their lives.

Unheard, Are They?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum