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You were his oxygen

And he, your hydrogen

You met him first

On the clouds

You both were meant

To lock each other

The moment when he

Got you in his shell

All your tears vented out

You liked his pull

The pull that was

Twice his strength

You never wished to part,

Without him

You'd just be a wanderer

Who never knew about love

You both danced

Tickled and hugged

All the way down

To the Earth

You landed on a river

A long one.

You felt a sudden drift

And a pinch of freedom

You swum as fast a you could

You enjoyed the vastness around you

A small streak of his thought

Flashed through your bonds

You looked for him

For the one who locked you

To let you get off your tears

The one who showed you

The beauty of being loved

You were pulled and left

By many shells

But nothing had strong

Life in it.

You never found him

Since you were too far

You moved to the river bank

Wanting not to swim and wander

You felt a change again

You were now in a vessel

Owned by some human

The vessel was so small

You searched for him again

Nothing pulled you more

And you stopped your search

All the bonds started to shuffle

Heat was felt all over the vessel

Bubbles and noises popped up

You chose not to stay in there

Escaping from a shuffled bond

You flew back, alone.

Here you sit

On this white cloud

Waiting for him

To lock you forever.

Every droplet

Carries a story I thought.

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