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When you fail everytime

When you fall everytime

You hide your feelings

You bury them deep inside...

Yes it is hard

To come out of - the hurt

The betrayals

The memories

The love you had

But it is even harder to live with those..

Life is not fair to everyone, everytime

People choose the best out of it

The pain you have when your first crush left you

Will be erased when you see them with their family in future

The pain you had when you were left alone in this world

Will be gone when you become the world to someone

The pain you had when you were rejected for lame reasons

Will be gone when you become the reason for someone to live

When your heart goes left and your mind goes right

Pull them together and make them go straight

To the path that gives you happiness

To the path where you can be yourself

Forget. Forgive and Love

For love is the only thing that you get more than you give 💗

Unheard, Are They?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon