"Too Late .." - Part Seven

Start from the beginning

At night , We were back in our cafe . I had to grab something from the ship and then go back to the ship ; It was a huge bucket of fishes that crew had caught but they were so much and so heavy .
When I entered the kitchen , Nothing was awkward . Me and Uma were used to my weird actions ...
I dropped the box on the wooden table and suddenly hit my hand firmly to the wooden table . I gasped painfully and held my hand .
"What happened ?!" Uma (kinda) yelled and turned around .
I showed her my hand and said :" I think I broke my bones !"
"Do you need anything ?" She asked and looked at me as she was cutting some onions for our special threat (for the rich customers that paid much) .
"I don't think so .." I said as I was holding my hand , Painfully .
I fake smiled and stood beside her , Looking at the onions she was cutting..
Suddenly she turned around and looked at me as there was barely a distance between us .
Maybe even our noses rubbed eachother's tip for a moment . I couldn't stop smiling at how beautiful she was ...
But I couldn't make her uncomfortable again . I leaned back and said :" I'm not gonna make you uncomfortable again-"
When suddenly she stepped forward and grabbed my cheek . She pressed p her lips towards mine as I was froze . What was happening ?!
She was wildly kissing me that I couldn't resist .. I mean Mal chose Ben over me . I had made my decission too ; Uma had wrapped her fingers around my face and neck as I was slowly rubbing her waist with my hands .
She was messing up my hair with her fingers running through it's curls . She was making me forget each bad memory ; She was giving a meaning to my life with just one simple act ...
I pushed her towards myself and let her tiny body melt in mine ... I embraced her built and felt her tiny hands tickling my face . I wanted to breath but still that kiss and Uma was unresistable .
She finally pulled back as she still had her hands holding my collar . I let a sigh out and stared at her as I couldn't even remember if I could blink or not . I slightly smiled at her and she gulped and averted her gaze ..
"Wow ..." I murmured and She turned her back on me .
"I don't feel my hand aching anymore .." I said and held my hand which was aching painfully few minutes ago .
Uma glanced at me as she had a slight fading smile on her pouty dark lips .
"That kiss , Made my day .." I said and leaned my hands on the table standing beside her .
"Okay well .. Not gonna lie . I was confused too .." Uma finally talked .
I chuckled and said :" I'm gonna go get something from Dizzy so You can think about what we did ..."
Uma giggled and said :" Just go !"

I walked down the alleis . I was over the moon and really happy ...
I felt like I have a wise smile on my face which was truly a smile ; Not a smirk ...
I entered Mrs Termaine's hairsalon and saw Dizzy who was listening to music with headphones in her ears , Singing along with the song , Murmuring ..
I walked in and looked for the coins box in her shop .
She quickly turned around and squeaked in a scared way .
"Where's your money ?" I asked .
She quickly handed the money that she had earned as her hands were shaking ...
I put the money in my pocket and threw her stuff off the table , Walking out of the room .
She sighed hopelessly and didn't say anything ..
I was just walking down the alley when my eyes caught a familliar face and I froze .
But she was different this time ; Again a innocent spark in her green rich eyes , That new blonde hair with purple highlights .. She could hypnotize me without glowing her eyes . I looked at her and suddenly she saw me too . I was frozen and it seemed like it didn't last soon when we stared at eachother . Her clothes were the same as that day ...
But her hair was alot longer ,Wavier and more different . I had never saw her with blonde hair . She was wearing lots of make up unlike her usual Isle casual style .
Her hands were on her hips and she just wanted to enter Dizzy's hairsalon .
Her words echoed through my mind ; You are nothing but a poor useless pirate .You fell for my lies . I will never love a peasant pirate like you .
She was still staring .. Not talking . What was she doing here ?.. In the Isle .

I gulped thinking about the things she had told me

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I gulped thinking about the things she had told me . The things she did to me that day ...
She kissed me . She tricked me ...
She told me she had left Ben to be with me but ...
It was all lies !
I didn't want to talk to her and I could barely try not to look at her wet and cold face . She looked as if she had cried ... But it didn't seem sad much .
Who knows why was she here again ..
She glanced at my full pocket which there was money in it and coins making metalic noises .
"Still robbing things for Uma or are you actually gonna keep what you steal ?" She asked , Trying to sound calm and sarcastic as last time .
"Seeing you today is not a really nice surprise ..!" I said and stepped forward , Holding my hook so she sees it .
"I wasn't waiting for your complinment , Harry .." She said and I felt like the way she said my name was so different than the day she humiuliated me in Cafe .
"Yeah and I wasn't waiting for you to come back !" I said outloud , Widening my eyes .
I continued , Murmuring :" After what you did ..."
She glanced at me and said :" Look Harry .. There's nothing called us anymore ."
"Yeah and I don't want anything back ." I said and locked my eyes on her trembling lips .
I knew she wanted us back . She wanted to take back everything she did but she couldn't ....
Because I didn't want this toxic relationship again .. I was tired of looking at her through the barrier , Admiring her while we're sailing in the dark ocean .
I wanted someone near me .. Someone who won't hurt me like Mal .
Someone like Uma ... The one I used to like because I was spelled but now it was true .
After the thing Mal did , I would never forgive her ...
I couldn't even imagine myself touching her .. It seemes as soft as a swan abut when you touched her , You'd bleed of her sharpness . I once made that mistake and I wouldn't want to do it again ...
Even feeling her eyes as they were looking through your soul , Felt like breaking ... Choking and in the end dying . I would anything for her before the cafe day but she ruined everything ...
"But I wanted to .." She said as I felt like her tone was more sorry and shy this time which seemed rare ...
I cut her short and said :" There's no need to talk ."
She fixed her green sloping eyes on me and I stepped forward , Saying :" It's too late , Mal .."
She looked at my hook as if she wanted to hold it but after everything that happened we both knew there was nothing called us anymore ..
Sometimes I really wanted to get back with her .. I really missed the memories we had together ..

"I wanted to say that , The last time

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"I wanted to say that , The last time ... About what you said .." She murmured as she had her gaze fixed on the ground . She was talking about Maleficent and the spells stuff ...
She was really acting like nothing has happened ?!
"Did you actually hear anything about it ?" She asked ...
"You're a liar !" I yelled and stepped forward which made her step back and gasp ..
I flicked my hook on her kneck and said :" Look ! This is fixed ! It's not cambered anymore !" She looked at the sharp in a questioning way and raised her dark eyebrows .
"Uma fixed it .." I murmured .
"Why are you telling this to me ?" She asked .
"You should stop acting , Mal ..." I said and turned my back on her , Walking away , Leaving that lonely sad blondie in the middle of the dark alley ..
Moonlight layed itself on my skin as I was passing there .
Forget her , Harry .. She is a selfish purple haired pretty monster ..
Have a little self eestem , Harry . She destroyed your reputation infront of everyone !
Now come on !... You can do this Harry .
You are the Captain's Hook son ; Harry Hook .

Me (writer)
What do you think will happen next ?

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