Skipper: wow there, sweet cheeks. Excited to see me! [ rubbing Hope head. ] huh, sweetie?

Hope: [ giggle ] skipper! daddy brushed my fur this morning!

Skipper: well, I don't see lots of fur on you. But you are growing up so fast. Big and strong like me and Rico, Kind like your dad, smart like your uncle, which someone will be your mate-

Private: [ stern and crossing his arms ] skipper...

Skipper: what? What I'm saying if she does find a boyfriend when she's older.

Private: not on my watch.

Skipper: come on private.

Private: she's too young for relationships...

While private and skipper were arguing, Hope went to the over side of the room.

Hope: okay. [ deep breath] birds. [ turn to a bird ] cat. [ turn to a cat. ] , chicken [ turn to a chicken], wolf! [ turn to a wolf ] whooo!

As she was shapeshifting into different animals, a blue electric spark around her with her realising.

Hope: Bear.

When she turn into her final animal, a blue electric came out of her, she quickly shapeshifte back while her whole body and the object in the room started glowing blue and began flouting.

( meanwhile)

Private: I don't agree with you-

Skipper: I'm not saying now, I'm saying maybe in a few years...

Kowalski: um. Guys?

Private: what if they don't accept her?

Skipper: then they are jerks. But some will.

Kowalski: GUYS!

Skipper and private: What?

Rico: ah! [ points. ]

The crates were flouting, making the penguins shocked. That's when they heard...


the other ran to the other side to see what's going on. and by there shock, They saw hope and the objects flout as well. Private was scared for his life and the others were scared as well.

Hope: DADDY! HELP!!!

Private: don't worry hope. I got you.

He ran to one of the flouting crates to grab his daughter, when suddenly the blue glow disappeared, causing hope and crates to fall.

Private: HOPE!!!

Rico caught her just in time as the crates smashed onto the floor, causing the train to stop for emergency. The room was messy. Private rushed over to his brothers, checking if they are alright before going to Hope and embrace her with a hug.

Private: Hope are you alright?

Hope: [ nodded]

Private: are you hurt or anything?

The circle animal opens the cart door.

Marty: is everything alright?

Gia: did something happen?

They kept asking questions and Hope felt guilty about what she had caused.

( time skip )

Never lose hope. ( sequel to Penguins of Madagascar. oc ) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat