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Dick's face burned with humiliation as he pushed his way out of the Wayne Enterprise front door. He had only reached the bottom of the steps when the sound of a slamming door announced that a furious Bruce was chasing after him. Dick picked up his pace.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to hear a lecture right now," yelled Dick over his shoulder.

"No, you need to listen! You don't get to make decisions for my company. I'm in charge, not you!" barked a fuming Bruce.

Dick had stood in for Bruce at a board meeting and had suggested that a portion of WE's extra profits be donated to a new charity that gaining a lot of attention recently. The charity, while new and still needing a better management system, had already done a lot of good in Gotham. It provided many programs for children who were at risk of going to juvie. Dick felt that these programs were actually intended to help the children and give them a better future and weren't just a way to make money or to keep the kids until they eventually found themselves in prison. They actually cared about what happened to each individual child. They had hope that each kid could become something great.

During the short time Dick had spent in juvie before Bruce adopted him, he had gotten a good look at how the system worked and didn't work. It really touched him to see the community stepping up to help the kids. Because of this, he had suggested that WE donate to the charity. The board had loved the idea. Bruce had not.

Dick had no idea why he was so opposed to the idea, but he had hated the idea so much that once he figured out what Dick had done, he started screaming at him, in front of everyone. Proud of the decisions he had made, but humiliated at how his father treated him in front of everyone, Dick quickly left the building. That didn't help though because Bruce was going to finish arguing with Dick no matter where it happened.

"I made a decision that you wouldn't make! One that will help a lot of people! It was the type of decision that you would've made if you were in the meeting," yelled Dick, trying to calm Bruce down.

Bruce's hand grabbed Dick's jacked and jerked Dick violently backwards and blocked Dick's way. Bruce's knuckles were white which showed for strongly he was holding his son. Passerbys noticed and a crowd began to form. Cameras flashed and whisper filled the air. Bruce Wayne acting this way, especially to his adoptive son, was unheard of.

Bruce didn't seem notice. "I don't care! You can't make those kinds of decisions. You're not mature enough to, you're a bleeding heart," he growled.

"So what if I am?!"

"You just cost the company a lot of money." Bruce grabbed Dick's collar and pulled Dick close to him. Bruce towered over Dick, looking very threatening and intimidating.

"Not a lot. Compared to how much WE has, the board only donated a very small amount. And besides, you would've probably donated that amount somewhere anyway! You know that, I know that, so what's the real issue here?"

Bruce pulled Dick even closer. "I am in charge," he yelled.

Dick pulled away and laughed. "So its a power thing isn't it?! No...No. I get it now! You're upset that the board listened to me and not you! You feel slighted! You shouldn't. I've stood in for you many times and the board has learned to respect me and listen to me! Something you apparently struggle with!"

Bruce just glared at Dick.

"Something like this wouldn't normally get you so upset. Something else is going on here. We can talk about it later, in private. For now you need to cool off. This conversation is done."

Dick turned around and started walking away, pushing through the watching crowd.

"Until you learn your place, you are not allowed back at WE! You got that?!? You don't get to tell me what to do with my company!" Bruce shouted behind him.

Dick kept walking. He ignored the stares and the phones pointed at him. He had to think how to fix this. Bruce and him were constantly at each others throats. It didn't help that they had opposite ways of doing things. Tim and Damian (Jason went with out saying) also seemed to tense around Bruce and had started to depend more on Dick than Bruce. Dick guessed that that was true reason why Bruce was so pissed.

'Oh well. I'll deal with this later,' Dick thought.

Patrol had not gone well. They had bickered and been distracted the whole time. Dick had both the bruises and the limp to show for it. Dick's face barely had any skin colored patches, having several red cuts and scratches and black and blue swollen bruises. His left leg wanted to just fall off right then and there.

'God, I just want to go to sleep,' Dick thought as he grabbed the coffee that the barista had given him. Dick opened his computer and started to get back to work.

Bruce had finally apologized and admitted that he was wrong to get angry at Dick. Bruce had basically been jealous and fed up. He said that he just felt like no one listened to him anymore and that it felt like he was just fading into to background. Dick, of course, told him that that was bullshit and they made up. That of course didn't last the night and they were soon at each other's throats again.

Bruce said that he'd apologize to all of his coworkers at WE for his behavior and would follow through with the donation. He took back Dick's temporary unofficial ban from WE, but his idea of fixing things involved giving Dick tons of work to do.

"Might as well get started," Dick sighed, opening a PDF.

About half an hour later, Dick felt someone tap on his shoulder. Dick turned around to see a stranger staring at him. "What? Do you need help with something?" he asked tiredly.

"Uh—yeah. Are you Dick Grayson?" the figure asked nervously.

"Yeah, I am. Why?" Dick was confused. Why would anyone want to talk to him, especially in a random café? Dick's eyes were drawn to the logo on the dude's shirt. Dick groaned. He worked for the tabloids. Those were never good.

"Do you have any comment on your father's behavior yesterday?" he asked, shoving a recorder in Dick's face.

"I'm not answering any questions today. Sorry to waste your time." Dick stood up abruptly and walked out of the café.

He didn't notice the cameraman taking pictures through the window.

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