Chapter 8

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The studio was filled with excitement as Jason sat down with reporter Vicki Vale, writer for the Gotham Gazette and TV host. She'd agreed to sit down with him for an interview just minutes after he'd sent her a request. If he was going to drag Bruce into the dirt, he had to do it loud and fast and no one was better at quickly producing celebrity drama news than her.

Vicki cleared her throat and began, "So, Jason, can you tell us why you decided to speak out about your family's private matters?"

Jason sat back in his chair, brooding. There was so much that he wanted to say, that he wanted Bruce punished for, but couldn't say. He could talk about all the pain he'd suffered because of the Joker and how had done absolutely nothing, but his comments would have to be reserved for the...lesser of Bruce's offenses, manipulation and poor parenting. It was sickening, but that's all he would safely be able to say for the sake of keeping all of their identities safe.

"Because it's time for the truth to come out," he said, making sure to hide his anger. He had to stay calm and collected. No one would listen to the angry, rebellious son. "It's time they knew what the sweetheart Brucie Wayne is really like. People think Bruce is a great, adoring father. He's not. He's a selfish, self righteous, arrogant man who only cares about himself and his image. People have no idea what really goes on behind closed doors."

Vicki leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "And what is it that people don't know?"

"They don't know that Bruce has never been a real father to any of us," Jason said bitterly. "He's always been more concerned with his own agenda, with helping Gotham, than with taking care of us."

"Can you give us an example?" Vicki pressed, sounding almost giddy at the idea of stirring up so much profitable drama.

Jason clenched his fists and made a point of avoiding the reporter's gleaming stare. "An example? Just one? I have so many to choose from. Like, there are many times that my siblings and I have been kidnapped for my father's money. He has never paid any ransom because Gotham always comes first."

"That must have been so hard for you," the reporter sighed. "What was it like to be raised with a man so rich that you were kidnapped for his wealth?"

Jason scoffed, feeling mocked. None of these people could ever understand. "He provides his kids with anything they could ever want, so it feels wrong to complain. You know, me and Dick came from families that didn't have much and living with Bruce has given us so many opportunities, so asking for more...more of anything feels ungrateful. Still, kids need more than nice clothes and Bruce never gave the support and care that he should've. Having a lot of money doesn't make you a good parent."

"Would you mind elaborating?"

"He doesn't have time for anyone. I don't think the word 'love' is even a part of his vocabulary. He sends people away when he doesn't want to deal with them. I'm sure you're aware of all the separations that my family has gone through over the years with us kids getting our own places and such. He expects perfection and complete obedience and has no room in his life for anyone who doesn't meet his standards. Over the years, I've heard all sorts of comments about Bruce being this wonderful dad from his fanbase but the signs have always been there."

Vicki nodded, her pen poised over her notepad. "Can you give some solid examples of some of these behaviors that you think the public are blind to?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "Where do I even start? You know what, let's start at the beginning with my older brother, Dick, who was Bruce's first kid."

Vicki motioned for Jason to continue.

"The story of how Bruce took in Dick is adored by the public," he started. "It's ridiculous that—"

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