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I got out of bed, dreading the day already. I decided on my 5sos tshirt, maroon skater skirt, and black converse. I quickly did my makeup and grabbed my bag. "Come on darling!" My mom yelled. I quickly walked downstairs and out the door. We arrived at the school in a few minutes. The ride felt shorter than ever, of course. I walked in and spotted taylor. "Hey bae!" I said. "Oh hey girl!" Tay said. Today went by terribly slow up until fifth hour. He sat next to me quietly. We never said one word to each other. It saddened me so much and i don't quite know why. "He is such a fuckboy." I muttered before bumping into someone. I looked up and saw connor. "Yea i know he is, im sorry about what happened." Connor sighed. "Its fine." I said hugging him. "I got to go though." I lied. "See ya." Con said. I walked home sadly and thought about Jc, i hated him but at the same time i really liked him. I hate this feeling. I walked in my house and ran to my room. It was thanksgiving break and I really needed something to do. I decided to call Taylor and ask what the plan was for break. "Hey tay." I said. "Oh hey sweetheart! Whats up?" Tay asked. "I was wondering what were doing over break?" I asked. "Oh im leaving for florida. I just found out." Tay said. "Oh dang." I muttered. "Sorry babe!" Tay said. "Its okay, have fun hun!" I said before hanging up. Ugh what was I gonna do all damn break. My phone went off, it was a text from connor. The message read "hey wanna hang out with kian and I? We will introduce you to the rest of our friends(:" I quickly replied "yea as long as 'he' isnt there." Connor replied "Dont worry, he hasn't been showing his face around lately... Be there in 5 mins get ya." I smiled and fixed my hair. Connor arrived shortly after and I hopped in his car. We drove to his house in silence, not the awkward kind though, it was a good kind of silence. We got out of the car and walked into connors house. "Hey everyone! Maycee is here!" He yelled. All of sudden a flood of guys came towards me. "Hey! Im ricky!" A tall blondish brown haired boy said. "Im trevor!" A cute boy said. "Im sam, and you are hot!" A brown haired boy said. I giggled and greeted them. I have to admit sam was kinda hot. We all hung out playing basketball and swimming, by the time we went back inside it was late. "Let's watch a movie!" Trevor said. "Okay sounds good!" Kian said. We sat down on connors sectional. I sat next to sam and connor. During the movie sam kept trying to make moves on me. Dont get me wrong, he was really attractive but i was still upset about Jc. The movie finished and connor gave me a ride home. "See you tomorrow?" Connor asked. "Of course." I smiled before walking inside. Today was a great way to start thanksgiving break.

Crazy for you (jc caylen fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ