Chapter One

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I always had sticky fingers for other people's shit, shit, if I could afford it maybe I wouldn't have to steal or stick people up. Honestly, I can't help that I like nice things, that's just not my problem.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not broke as a joke, I have a nice little family. Both my mom's and pop have a job and my older sister have a sorry ass job at Mickey D's or whatever, but that's just to support her son she had at sixteen. Now she nineteen and all her money goes towards her getting back and forth on the bus to her job, and day care for her son cause I'm damn for sure not watching his bad ass for free.

And since she can't afford the price I gave her, she had no choice by to put his big headed ass in day care. Don't know what happen to the father, my sister, Asia, just says he don't need one, meaning she either don't know who he is or he's denying the baby.

The bus to the mall was about to be a long one since it as was way across town, they would never put a mall near my city, it was like stick up capital, everybody had a hustle.

Because I had a long way to, I plugged in my cheap mp3 player headphones in and bopped to 50cent 'Window Shopper', getting ready for my free shopping spree, and when I say free, I mean steal. Like I said, I have sticky fingers, I been stealing every since I could remember. The first time was the little boy bike from down the street, it was the nicest thing I ever saw. It was a cherry red chrome bike with two wheels in the back and one in the front, colorful streamers came from both sides of the handles too which made me want it, I had to have it. Being the little girl I was, I asked my mom for it and of course she said no because we didn't have the funds. Well, I got lucky that day because a rain storm came through the hood and he left the bike outside his apartment building, that was my okay to run out there, nearly bus my ass, and retrieve the bike for myself. After that, I only rode it in my room and I was content with it until I seen a much nicer bike, of course I stole that too.

The bus finally pulled up the the mall, happy wasn't even the word. First of all, the bus smelled like straight baby shit and corn chips, this hood rat had the nerve to bring her toddler on the bus with a shitty ass diaper and changed him right there in front of everyone. Then this old guy next to me mumbled to himself about his corns hurting and pulled off his dirty Nikes to rub them, I damn near puked.

I sprayed myself down with some Nicki Minaj new fragrance I stole from this girl after gym, I always made a mental note not to never wear it to school cause everyone know I wouldn't be able to afford something like that and the girl is still looking for it too. Good luck, I thought to myself.

The mall was packed this Saturday, today would be too easy, or so I thought.

I placed a hand on my over stuffed side bag filled with newspaper to make it seem like it was full, that way when I stole the merchandise, my bag wouldn't look any different.

The first store I hit up was a classic music shop and browsed at the new posters that just came in. One picture of Drake sexy ass caught my eye and I just needed it for my bedroom walls which were filled with pictures of different celebrities that are fire.

The owner we busy talking to an older couple about the records and I was busy walking out with the poster in my hand, there was no way I could go back in that direction of the mall, the poster was too long to hide. Next was forever 21, and even though they had a banging beginning of the summer clearance, I only had a dollar to my name and that was only to use for the bus. Everything was dirt cheap but in my eyes, it was all free. For me anyways.

Because of the sale, it was easy for me to stuff a bunch of cute necklaces and rings into the side pocket of my bag until it was nice and fat and replaced the fullness of the newspaper. Next was a couple of shirts and jeans I knew I would be saving for next school year, since I'll be a senior, my dress up game had to be on point.

My bag was damn near full but I needed to make one more stop and that was to get my own body fragrance and dumb this Nicki shit.
"HEY!", a middle aged white woman came running after me, her forever 21 tag bouncing off her flat chest and the word Manager written in bold letters. Shit, be cool, just be cool.

" Is there anything I can help you with ma'am?", I gave her a nice smile and moved one of my braids out of my face, trying my hardest to be cool, calm and collected.

"I need my merchandise back, I watched you take it", she reached for the sack only for me to pull it behind me.

"I don't have anything of yours lady, move". I took a step, she took a step.

"Give me the clothes, the accessories you stole. Either pay for it all, give it to me, or I'll call the mall cops. I'm trying to be nice here", the ladies face was beginning to turn red she was so flustered.

Honestly, I appreciate that she was trying to be nice but there was no way I would be able to pay for this stuff and I damn for sure am not giving it back.

Just when I was about to tell her to a step before I slap her old white ass silly, someone intervened.

"I'll pay for it", said the girl. Both me and the lady looked at the girl before us. The white girl was looking fierce and I just had to know where she got her watch from because that MK was killing it and I just knew it would be mine.

"All her stuff? You'll pay for all of it?", said the lady.

"All of it", she said not missing a beat.

And that she did.

The manager eyed me suspiciously as she rung up all my things, damn bitch, you see everything is getting paid for, you don't have to keep looking at me all bugged eyed and shit.

After everything was paid for, $350 later, I thanked the white girl and was making my way back to the bus stop until she stopped me.

"Wait, we haven't discussed how you would pay me back", is this hoe serious?

"Hold up bitch, I didn't ask you to pay for my shit, you wanted to. So I don't owe you a got damn thing. Keep it moving snow bunny", I grilled her from head to toe, I am nobodies bitch.

"Chill holm girl, I just wanted you to pay me back in friendship, I just moved up here from Florida and I have no one to talk to" , she pout her lips, tying to seem innocent. Her sun kissed skin definitely said she came from Florida, and she didn't seem like a liar, I can definitely smell a bullshitter, that came with the stick up life style. Someone always trying to go over on you trying to get more out of the cut than what ya agreed on.

"I'm not into no freaky shit, so if that's the kind of company you want, you got me fucked up".

White girl put her hands to her chest, "No freaky shit, just friendship".

"I'm Mecca", I tell her.

"Emily, but everyone calls me E, more gangsta-fied". She threw up some unknown ass gang signs and laughed like she made the funniest joke in history. "Seriously though, let's head to my car, its hotter than the devils dick out here".

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