Chapter 116 [Guest Turned Host]

Start from the beginning

"What Princess Ming Yue says is right. Perhaps it is all a misunderstanding. Moreover, we haven't arrived at a conclusion on the matter regarding the Second Prince. If we continue to argue over this matter here, won't we be giving the perpetrator a chance to cause further harm? What's most important at the moment is to tend to Second Prince's injuries."

The Crown Prince, bewitched at this moment, changed his attitude and began to ease up with his tone of voice.

Lin Mengya laughed secretly to herself but kept her eyes fixed on King Ming, giving him a look which was neither haughty nor humble.

Eventually, King Ming seemed to be distracted by some other matter, and he no longer looked distressed.

"The Crown Prince and Ming Yue are right. I've wronged Princess Yu. Please excuse me for my reckless behavior. It was really because of my love for my son that I behaved in this way."

Lin Mengya knew not to push further since King Ming had backed off.

She nodded her head, but kept her head high with pride, as if she had just made a difficult decision to give in.

"However, we cannot just let go of the matter. It's good that Prince Yu is here. Since this entire episode had started because of all you, you will be in charge of finding out the culprit."

The Crown Prince immediately targeted Long Tianhao, who had just entered the tent.

From the words of the Crown Prince, one could tell that he was still siding King Ming of the western vassal state. An idea was conceived in Lin Mengya's mind almost immediately.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, please lay down the reward and punishment clearly so that everyone would be convicted. If my husband finds the culprit, how would you reward him?"

Could he be targeting Long Tianhao, now that he failed to bring Lin Mengya down?

Such a bargain was not possible in the world. The plan of the Crown Prince was obviously not thorough and well thought.

"This..." The Crown Prince hesitated. There was not to be any reward. The Crown Prince was not expecting Long Tianhao to be able to hand over the culprit, then he would make things even more difficult for him.

"If Prince Yu is able to hand over the culprit, I will fulfill any wish he makes. What do you think of this reward?"

Any wish?

Lin Mengya was laughing inside scornfully.

Was the Crown Prince so sure that she was unable to catch the culprit?

"Prince Yu is young, intelligent and talented. I'm sure he will find the culprit. However, if the killer is too cunning, are we going to keep waiting indefinitely for him to be found?"

So he had wanted a time limit.

The Crown Prince pondered for a while and pretended to look as if he was put in a difficult position.

"Alright, the limit will be three days. If Prince Yu is unable to hand over the killer after three days, I would have to interrogate Princess Yu."

How unreasonable of the Crown Prince! It was obvious that he thought Lin Mengya was the culprit.

Humph! What a despicable approach.

"Alright! Three days will be the limit. If we're unable to catch the culprit, I would carry the blame, even though I am innocent."

Lin Mengya had to say the last bit to mock the Crown Prince of his injustice.

By so doing, she stirred up dissatisfaction and doubts about the Crown Prince's judgment in the many noble families.

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