Chapter 110 [Visit from Princess Ming Yue]

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Lin Mengya blushed. How did she turn into a starry-eyed girl who was infatuated with the prince?

Not only was she surrounded by handsome boys like Lin Zhongyu and Qinghu, why did her brain, which she was so proud of keep shutting down in the presence of Long Tianhao?

"Oh yes, King Ming had invited me over to his tent tonight to have a drink with him, so you can rest early."

This was to say that she was sleeping alone tonight.

Somehow, Lin Mengya felt a sense of disappointment at this news.

Things were getting stranger for her.

"In addition, King Ming had asked to have Hongyu returned to them. He said she must have provoked you to anger and he was very sorry."

As the face of this foreign woman came to her mind, Lin Mengya could not help but smiled an evil smile.

She held guessed correctly that this woman had something up her sleeve, which was why Lin Mengya had to deal with her in this way.

King Ming was a forthright man after all. He simply said a word and he got the woman to go back to them, at the same it only proved Hongyu to be a shrew.

When Lin Mengya thought about how back at the mansion, there would be peace and quiet once the foreign woman was gone, her mood was lifted immediately.

"Alright, you should go quickly and come back early."

Lin Mengya held on to the pup while she sat on the bed. There was not much going on in the afternoon, mostly just people eating and drinking in their tents.

She was too lazy to go out so she remained in the tent to play with Snow.

There was no need for Qinghu to hide at this moment, so he appeared before Lin Mengya and watched her play with Snow.

"I didn't expect you to be addicted to taking care of a wolf pup."

Snow was wary of Qinghu, so much so that every time Qinghu got near, it would gnash its teeth and make a grrr sound with its throat.

"What are you talking about? I'm just keeping one wolf pup, which is Snow."

She pouted as Qinghu picked up Snow with one hand and put it down in front of himself.

"You're also raising Lin Zhongyu, who could be an alpha wolf which left its pack."

Lin Mengya knew enough about Xiaoyu to know what had happened to him.

Lin Mengya could draw a reasonable conclusion from looking at Baisu's level of martial skills and her other qualities. However, Lin Mengya felt a tinge of sadness whenever she thought of how Xiaoyu would leave her once he grew up.

"Sooner or later, they would show themselves to be leaders, I'm not worried about it. Oh yes, I've asked you to watch Hu Lunan, so what have you found?"

Qinghu's expression turned serious the moment they started talking business.

"That second prince is truly a licentious man, unlike his father and brother. Last night, I saw his man capture a woman from the village and sent her to him to satisfy his lust. I'm afraid this woman's body would have been abandoned somewhere by now."

Mercy was never in Qinghu's dictionary.

Therefore, he did not even try to save that woman. However, there was a rise of fury in Lin Mengya. How despicable was this second prince of the western vassal state to take innocent lives just to satisfy his own desire?

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