part 15: the talk.

Start from the beginning

Kuroka: they don't recognize you it seems.

Issei: they never met me before. You can't blame them.

If Ddraig was with him right now, he would have immediately figured out that Issei was a bit relieved that they didn't recognize him. He felt like he didn't deserve to be called their father. However Ddraig wasn't the only one who knows how he thinks when he's depressed.

Kuroka: Evelyn.. go meet your grandparents. Your father and I will be along shortly.

Evelyn: okay mom.

As Evelyn leaves, Kuroka looks at Issei slight anger in her eyes and sadness.

Kuroka: I know what you're thinking so stop it. You are their father. Your blood flows through them.


Kuroka: what doubts do you carry?

Issei: how can I call myself their father when I failed every last one of them and you......

Kuroka: you didn't fail anyone.

Issei: then why does it feel like I did?

Kuroka: don't hold yourself responsible for the actions of others Issei. We got our kids here, your parents got to see Evelyn and these 5 whom we still have to pick names for.

Issei: I thought you would have done that long ago.

Kuroka: I want both of us to decide.

Issei: I ......

Despite what she said, he still has doubts whether he should.

Kuroka: Issei, why don't you want to name our kids? We did want to have a couple of kids and now we have them so why? Do you hate our kids?

Issei: of course not! I could never hate them.

Kuroka: then do you hate me?

Issei: NO.... I'm just wondering why you don't hate me. For 15 years you went through pure hell and I...wasn't there. When I saw those visions that Evelyn saw, there was one you meant for me to see and I saw it, for a split second I saw the fear, the trauma, the anger, so much. If I was by your side I could have prevented that but... Sniff.

Issei started to cry, Kuroka saw that she wasn't the only one suffering, he was in his own hell.

Issei: I thought you were dead, I started to drink and train, I...had the occasional 1 night stands. I went to therapy, I was unstable so I asked Vali to look after Evelyn, he was the only one I could trust since he knows how to stay hidden. Evelyn got a good education, friends. I would check up on her every night. She would call out to you and each time was a reminder that you weren't there anymore. Evelyn was forced to grow up without her mother.

The kids started to pay attention to him, they couldn't really understand why Issei was so emotional but they just knew that he was miserable.

Issei: we all looked everywhere for you, I interrogated every chaos brigade member I could find, none knew where you were. Then suddenly I find clues that your alive, you sent those clues and next thing we know there you were in the adjacent room with our daughter, then the fight at the stadium, he bragged about how he brainwashed you, violated you, tortured you and our kids whom he killed right before your eyes.

He paused for a while.

Issei: then you turned into that giant cat, your power was insane, some of the others restrained me after I went berserk and beat Euclid to a pulp. Everyone else was trying to stop you but I knew that you were getting hurt.
I thought I was about to lose you all over again. I begged them to stop, when they did you turned back to normal but your skin was ice cold, I...I can't even remember if you were even breathing or not. I thought you were dead for sure.... But thankfully lady Yasaka and Kouno helped save you. All those clones attacking and killing so many especially on earth. After finally beating that MONSTER....I actually had the nerve to come into heaven... someone like me going to heaven even for a short time is.....a horrible joke.

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