part 15: the talk.

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Kiba sent all his forces to help with repairs to the underworld, the damages from the clones and the shockwaves from the beast bombs certainly left their mark. Euclid's well planned attack went down in history as one of the worst incidents of supernatural history and in a way one of the best, yes there was a lot of death and destruction but everyone was united including the dragons of legends. Grayfia was completely apathetic after the battle which they would have lost if it wasn't for Loki. Seeing her brother go from kind and caring to being a monster inside and out left her so overwhelmed. She did want him dead at first but then realized what she was thinking, killing her brother. Any sister would be emotionally wrecked after that but seeing everyone else whom she calls family be there for her snapped her out of her depression in time. She once had no one but now she has everything. As for Loki...

Odin: Loki.....

Loki: yes?

Odin: why did you save us?

Loki: hmph... To tell you the truth, ever sense I lost to them years ago I started to plan revenge and I tried to get everything I could on the red dragon emperor.

Odin: grrrr

Loki: but I found something truly enlightening. I....grew up.

Odin: what?

Loki then tells Odin and Thor about how Euclid snuck into Asgard only to speak to him but he refused, he was done with death and destruction, he wasn't the god of that. He never was, he was a prankster who happens to be god. Odin saw no deception in Loki for once and he was happy.

Odin: Loki.....I'm.....proud of you.

Loki: Thank you.....father.

Thor: it's good to have the Loki I grew up with back. Mother will be truly overjoyed.

Loki: yes....I..hope so.

Thor: with your efforts that saved us, you'll be welcomed back home.

Loki: that sounds nice.

Loki certainly changed.

The angels used their amplified power to repair heaven and earth as much as their could. They allowed the grief stricken people to talk to their loved ones whom had died in the attack, all their newfound power was well spent.
The fallen and devils all mourned their loved ones. Irina had taken Issei, Kuroka and Evelyn straight to heaven. After a while they saw the ones they needed to see.

Irina: Issei your parents and kids are over their under that massive tree. Are you ready to see them?

Issei: I'm not sure.....seeing me again after finding out that I was gone for good on top of everything else..... And the kids....... I'm scared.

Evelyn: we're right here by your side.

Issei: thanks Eve....alright let's go see your grandparents.

Irina: I'll give you guys your space, call out for me when you need me.

She flys away and the 3 go to see the kids and Issei's parents. The parents are sitting under a beautiful cherry blossom tree still mourning their son. The 5 kids are playing, each trying to catch as many of the falling petals as they can, they notice 3 people walk towards them, they recognize 1 of them right away.

5: MAMA!!

Kuroka was ecstatic that they remember her. She couldn't help but cry at the reunion. It's been years since they were murdered yet they never forget about her.

Kuroka: hey kids..sniff.. mommy's here.

They hug her so tightly, Issei looked at the children, they looked just like him and his mother, no doubt that they are their kids. Issei was happy but his guilt was far greater, he still blamed himself for not knowing that they existed, that they were tortured and killed right before their mother, the woman he mourned for 15 years. All this weighed heavily on him, Evelyn also about what they went through since no one continued to hide anything, she walked towards the 5.
They instantly jumped on her, they recognized her as family right away however when they looked at Issei....they don't recognize him. Not in the least.

Return Of A Soul.. Highschool Dxd FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon