The Crown (JRWInk day 2) (mild late S2 spoilers)

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The cryptic was dark, gems glistered everywhere the torch touched.

"Wow, I'm glad we went down that tunnel." Sylnan muttered, his eyes shifting over the wealth they had fallen upon.

Haphazardly, Taxi climbed through the gold. Mountain followed suit, gaping at the weapons spread among the treasures.

"This can fund armies for weeks." Mountain picked up one of the swords, running his hands along the hilt before dropping it back down and moving to the next.

"I think more than that." Velrisa's eyes surfed the gold before her. She had never seen so much gold her life. She doesn't think any of the Fated had. Ever. Something stood out against the golden room. Silver. A crown perched atop a skeleton head. Probably not a good sign.

Or maybe was it. Wee jas was a deity of death after all, maybe this was to show that Velrisa was a princess of death. A warrior. Maybe this was another gift.

She edged closer to it, feeling a pulse emulate from it. What was it? The purple gems shone across the tips of the crown, complementing the pale silver. Climbing onto the pile of coins.

"Vel! What are you up too?" Mountains called from where he was waving a sword. Her hand grasped around the skull, the crown resting atop it fell her hand. She felt a power surge through her bones.


The voice burned into her bones. With a snarl, she turned to her 'team'. Her peasants. Her fingers twisted around the cold metal has her blood boiled. Vel placed the crown on her, it seemed to automatically fit on her head.

"You never listened." She growled, pulling her scythe from behind her. "You never took orders." She took a step forward towards the followers. "I will not take this disobedience anymore."

Mountain looked up to her, the fear eventent in his eye.

"Vel...?" The scythe slashed.

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