"Yeah?" Taylor asks, immediately standing up. He doesn't like mom's tone either.

We both look at her, and she's just silently pointing out the window. Taylor comes over to her and looks toward where she's pointing. His back instantly stiffens and I can audibly hear his teeth clamp together, even from all the way across the room.

"I'll be right back," he says quietly.

"What was that all about?" I ask, coming over to her.

That's when I see. Jessica has been watching us through the window.

Well, that's creepy AF.

Mom and I watch as Taylor gets to her. She tries to grab his hand, but he yanks it away. She has huge hand gestures going on, but Taylor just stands completely still. Suddenly he turns around and walks back to the apartment building, leaving Jessica alone—Crying. She gets in her car after a moment and drives off.

He is furious when he comes back inside. He doesn't say anything for a long moment. Finally, he sighs and walks over to mom.

"I'm sorry," he says with rage thick in his voice. "She's been following me lately... She just crossed the line, coming to your place though. I'm gonna talk to Chief about getting her transferred. I've been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm done."

He doesn't say anything else as he goes back over to me and we get the settings figured out. He's trying to act like he's fine, but he's most definitely not.

Once we get the TV situated, Taylor moves the couch how mom wants it, and then adjusts the coffee table. Mom simply smiles in gratitude.

Suddenly Taylor starts laughing. "Ok, Ellie. Where do you want it now?" He asks, shaking his head in amused exasperation.

"What are you talking about?" Mom asks.

"You don't like it here, you just don't want to tell me that—Come on. Let's get it how you want it so you're not killing your back once I leave."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Because I know you. Come on, where now?" He asks as he picks up an end.

Mom rolls her eyes and points to how she wants it.

Once he gets it where she wants it the second time, he looks at her. "Is this good?"

"Perfect" she smiles.

Taylor must believe her, because he nods and smiles gently.

Then his face gets serious. "Have you told him about what we talked about last night?"

That's peaked my interest instantly. What did they talk about?

"No," she sighs. "I didn't feel like poking that hornet's nest just yet."

Taylor chuckles. "Well, hornets don't bother me."

Then he turns to me and I instantly get a pit in my stomach.

"I'm paying Jake for the damages."

Woah! I wasn't expecting that! "You are? Wow! Thanks Taylor!"

Damn! That's seriously such a relief that this won't fall on mom. He's a really, REALLY good guy.

Taylor chuckles darkly. "Well buddy, don't thank me. I'm only doing that so you guys won't have to deal with Jake again. You're going to pay me back."

Say what now?

"How am I going to do that?"

Has he forgotten I'm only 17?

"So, I don't know if you realize this Liam, but there's a neat little concept that people do to receive money. You leave home and do what someone tells you to do for a set number of hours, and then you go home. You repeat that process again and again until that said person gives you a check. Then, something magical happens! You take that check to the bank, and a nice man or woman gives you money. It's really pretty cool."

"You just word-vomited all of that to tell me that I have to get a job?" I ask... an attitude is quickly approaching without my being able to stop it.

"Yup," he says simply...darkly.

"Are you serious?!?"

"Oh, I'm dead serious. I was working as soon as I turned 15. If it had been up to me, you would've had one a long time ago," he says as he crosses his arms.

"Yeah, well it's not up to you," I say, mimicking him and crossing my arms too.

"It is now....Unless you can pay me back right this second, then you don't have a choice."

"Why should I get stuck paying for all of it? I DIDN'T EVEN BREAK ANYTHING!"

"So your mom should get stuck with it, then?"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "This blows," I whine, kicking the TV box.

"You've got two weeks to get a job."

"And if I don't?"

Taylor raises his eyebrows again and walks over to me.

"If you don't, what?" He asks, an inch from my face.


"Every cent of every paycheck will go to me until it's paid back. I hope for your sake that Jake's insurance covers more than I think it will. Otherwise this is going to take months."

His face is so close to mine that I can smell the coffee on his breath.

"I get it Taylor. You can back up now," I spit.

"Just one more thing and then I will," he says, somehow getting even closer to me.

"If I find out you gave your mom even a trace of an attitude, I will come back, and you won't be sitting for a week—Do you hear me? Her plan was to max out her credit cards and then take out a loan to fix your mistake. You should feel embarrassed that you were going to let her do that."

He finally steps away from me, and I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

Mom was just silently watching this whole thing. I can't read her expression, but it's a mixture of several different things.

Sadness, embarrassment, stress, annoyance.....And something else....Longing? I don't know, I'm a dude. I don't think that deep.

Taylor silently goes to pick up the boxes and the mess we made, and I silently help him—I know that it won't turn out well for me if I don't.

Once that's all cleaned and we have taken the boxes to the trash, he comes back up to mom.

"Do you feel safe, Ellie? I can stay longer if you want. I think I scared her pretty good, but I can't guarantee it," he says, looking out the window again.

"Thanks, but we're fine."

He just silently nods. "If she comes back, you call me. Hear me?"

Mom salutes him. "Yes sir," she says with another goofy grin, breaking the seriousness.

Taylor just shakes his head and chuckles. "Ok, I'm out. You be good," he says, pointing at me.

"I'll be good for her—It's you I'm pissed at."

Taylor just snorts. "I'm good with that."

"I'll see you guys—Two weeks, Liam," he says as he smiles at mom and leaves.

I just shake my head and go to my room, slamming the door.

A frickin' job!

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