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DOUBLE UPDATE: chapter six will be out in a little while

   Days continued to go by, and Bakugou and Midoriya finally managed to complete the program for Midoriya's concert, with the order of the pieces and how he will play them. All that's left is practice, but that'll be after they find a venue to play in, or a couple if he wants to play in a few places.

   As the days went by, Bakugou was also invited to a few more practise sessions. Unable to deny his want, he agreed to go to them. The first few were just like the first one, and he struggled a bit to fit in, especially with Kaminari not liking him, but after, things smoothened a bit, and Kaminari started to not mind him.

   His patience seemed to have paid off, especially during one practice session, his latest one.

   "You're always here early," said Jirou, passing him a drink as he entered the studio, having received a spare key.

   "Hah? I'm always on time," he frowned, looking over the place, seeing no one but him and Jirou. "Everyone is just fucking late. If anyone is early, it's fucking you," he said.

   "True, I suppose," she nodded. "Anyway, we've got a few covers we want to practice today, and we all know the songs, including you I hope," she chuckled. "Kirishima told me you knew them, but here's the list just in case. We haven't tried them out yet, so it's just to figure some things out. We usually learn them by ear, and sometimes we slow down the song to identify some of the music's notes," she said. 

   He looked over the list. He knew most of the songs, but there were a few that he hadn't listened to for months. 

   "I gave everyone the homework to listen to the songs, but because we haven't added you to our groupchat yet, I suppose you didn't do that," she said. "Kaminari and Kirishima missed their train, so you have all the time in the world to listen to them," she sighed, unimpressed, but seemingly relieved. Maybe she thinks that they'll just be a burden to Bakugou while he's trying to remind himself of those songs.

   She gave him a plate of biscuits, giving him the freedom to take one whenever he wants, while she goes in the kitchen to do whatever else she wants to do. 

   He thanked her, and then used her amazing headphones to listen to the songs, instead of using his cheap earplugs. 

   Closing his eyes, he revelled in the fact that those songs really are some of the ones that got him into punk music. He loved each one of them, and the drums for them sound really fun, almost complicated, but he can deal with that. Complicated is fun when you know what you are doing.

   After he finished listening to two songs, Tokoyami entered the studio, giving Bakugou and Jirou a nod as a silent greeting. He made sure the keyboard was in a good condition, making sure all the keys worked, and that the speakers of it work well too.

   After the third song he was listening to, Tokoyami joined him, and he pulled out something Bakugou had never really seen before. He plugged it in the phone when Bakugou allowed him, and then Bakugou plugged the headphones he was borrowing in one of the headphones plugs, and Tokoyami plugged his own in the other. After, they were able to listen to the same thing at the same time, and Bakugou couldn't help but find it cool. 

   When the fourth song finished, Tokoyami paused the queue, and then told Bakugou a few key points on the song, focusing on the chords, the rhythm, and the signatures. Bakugou corrected him a few times, helping him figure some things out, and they analysed the song, and Bakugou realised that it will definitely make playing the song much easier. 

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