Chapter 4-2

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Chapter 4-2

Venus’ POV

I was more than happy to get some lunch. I was starving like crazy. I walked quickly into the cafeteria to get something to eat anything I don’t care as long I get something to eat! I waited in the line, what do we have today, hmm…? Spaghetti Carbonara! I love spaghetti carbonara it’s my all time favorite food. I brought the food happily and walked back to the table where Jack and Bloom already was eating at. I sat between them and began eating my spaghetti slowly. I’m not that type that just eats it all in one bite.

“Did you hear that in our next class we are going to have two seniors, because they haven’t found a new one yet to us?”

“No way, even though I hope it is gonna be two cute guys,” she smiled at Jack and I, we just rolled our eyes at her. She is a total guy freak doesn’t do anything than looking at boys. She doesn’t do anything ells in her spare time, I know she is weird, that’s why I love her.

“I don’t care who we get as long it isn’t that asshole Bradley we get, then its fine with me.”

“V he is seriously cute and you know that,” she said while pointing her fork at me.

“He’s not cute, he is the biggest asshole on the whole wide world, and you know that too, my dear friend.”

“Wow Venus. I thought Jay had taught you not to speak like that.”

“Just shut up Ty, you don’t understand. Erik don’t even think about laughing at Ty.”

“How did you know it was me?”

“Ty I live with you, I see your face every day even if I don’t like to see it,” I turned around and gave him a smirk.

“Venus how do you know I was about to laugh?”

“Easy. I also live with you and you have always been the retarded one.” I laughed at him together with Ty, Jack and Bloom.

“Hey that wasn’t funny.”

“Actually is was pretty funny Erik. And you know I love you guys as much as  I love Jay and Adam, right?”

 “Yeah we do.”

“May we take a seat?”

“Sure.” I heard B make a fake cough. They haven’t met yet only Jack knows we live together in our house. Ty sat next to me and Erik sat between Ty and Jack.

“Ty and Erik this is Bloom my best girl friend and you guys already knows Jack, and that he is my best guy friend. Bloom these two wonderful boys are Ty,” I pointed at Ty, then pointed at Erik, “and Erik, they live with us and you can add them as my two extra brothers together with Jay and Adam.”

“Nice to meet you guys,” Bloom said happily. 

“Nice to meet you too Bloom,” Ty said then he exchanged a look with Erik and they both began to laugh. Just as the asshole and some really good looking guy came into the cafeteria.

“Who did you call a asshole V?”

“Umm… nobody,” he gave me a look that said ‘I know you are lying so cut the crab and spit it out.’

“Who is it V?” He asked once again. I was going to say nobody once again, but Bloom just decided to say it to them.

“Bradley,” that made both of them laugh harder and louder. I looked at Jack he just shrug his shoulder, I then looked at Bloom she also just shrug her shoulder, thanks for the big help guys. -.-

I can't be in love with my brother's best friend could I?Where stories live. Discover now