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Taehyun's POV:
"You can't be serious!" I shouted through the pain.

My parents had high expectations of me, my soulmate couldn't possibly be a low life girl whom I literally just met!

"Hold on, check your wrist." Soobin said, grabbing my hand.

Whenever our soulmate was determined, there would be a purple line on our wrist.

"Beomgyu's right," said Soobin, letting go of my wrist. "She really is your soulmate."

"This can't be!" I yelled. I checked my wrist. Sure enough, the purple line was there. God damn Jesus Christ, how am I going to explain this?

"You know, since she's your soulmate, you should probably get closer to her and check up on her regularly." Kai suggested.

"This isn't the time for joking!" I shouted.

"Woah, chill Tae. But he has a point." said Yeonjun.

I sighed. "Must I really?"

They all nodded.


I dragged my feet to the classroom with the rest of the boys following my lead.

Y/N's POV:
Luckily, I wasn't late. Stupid watch, telling me it was 9am when it was 8.41am!

Welp, gotta get a new watch.

Mr Lee wasn't in the classroom yet(thankfully), so i whipped out my sketchbook and pencil case and started drawing.

Just as I opened my book, I noticed a purple line on my wrist.

Wait a minute...

I tried rubbing it off but it didn't work.

That meant...





It wasn't there this morning, until I... bumped into..


Wait, it isn't possible, right?

Let's just... hope Taehyun doesn't have the line too!

I was about to bang my head on the table when Taehyun and his friends came in.

Oh right, he sits next to me.

No wonder why that fucking little slut Jaemi keeps bullying me! Taehyun was her crush. Fancy realises this after 5 fucking months.

How smart am I to figure that out only now?

Something on his wrist caught my attention.

No way.

I can't be, right?

I-it could be another girl!


I almost SCREAMED.

Taehyun's POV:
Just as I entered the classroom, I saw the same girl I bumped into,






Wait, what?!

Since when did SHE sit there?!

Guess this is my chance to get to know her.

"Uh, hey!" I said.

She immediately looked up from her desk with her hair in a mess. She looked at me and her eyes widened.

She got up and sat like a fancy lady.

"Oh, hi! Didn't see you there."


"Your hair's in a mess, let me help you with that." I said, as a brushed aside all the hair that was hanging in front of her forehead.

I then saw here beauty.

Clearly, she was flushed with embarrassment.

I touched her forehead.

Man, it was hot!

"Are you.. having a fever?" I asked, being concerned. Her senses immediately came back to her.

"Y-yea! I'm fine! Totally fine! I look fine, I am fine, and I'm fine! ...right?" she stuttered.

Dang, she talks a lot when she's embarrassed.

"Well, nice meeting you." I said. "Oh yeah, what's your name?"

Her face lighted up and said, "P-park! Park Y/N!"

"Cool, and by the way, could I have your number?" I asked.

Y/N's POV:
Did he..

Did he just..







Gosh, I think I might explode! Why would he want my phone number? Out of all the boys in the school, Kang Taehyun wants my phone number?!

I sat up straight and asked for his phone.

I then keyed in my phone number. "There you go!"

"Thanks!" he said, flashing the cutest smile I had ever seen. "Oh, Mr Lee is here. We'll talk later!"

Wait, we'll talk later?


I don't think this is even reality anymore.

I might actually die!


I squealed silently do that no one would hear me.

Mr Lee went to his desk and class started.

24.10.20 - kang taehyun ffWhere stories live. Discover now