When we got back to class, (Y/n) was crying. Fucking drama queen. Kenma tried to cheer her up but then, she's not budging. Look at them being so lovey-dovey. Kenma protected her head from the wall, is there something with her head that is sensitive? She did hit her head when we were younger.

Kenma skipped classes, look at him acting nothing like himself because of her. I tried to cheer him up instead and went with him to training. (Y/n) apparently had an anxiety attack and Kenma was called to be there for her. He's the only one who could calm her down, and the same goes to him.

Even though they weren't on speaking terms, he was still mindful of (Y/n). When Kuroo-san accidentally pulled her wrist and it snapped. Kenma pulled it back in place— whatever the hell he just did there, that was gross and scary. I do not want that.

He told me he was leaving already so I followed but (Y/n) followed him too. She's hopeful. They actually really look like a couple, they like each other... I can't fit myself in them. I didn't like having her around him so, I just had to.

I sent disturbing things to (Y/n). I found out about her cutting herself and how sensitive she was over sharp objects especially knives. (Y/n) had a heart attack the first time I sent her images, though Kenma helped her calm down.. she was still rushed to the hospital.

Kenma would leave immediately after classes to go to the hospital to watch over her. She was asleep for a week and the way how Kenma looks like, he was restless again. I heard that she was rushed to the ER three times. I kind of feel bad but something else made things just..

At some point, Kenma reported me to the school principal and I got a lot of demerits. My mother hated me more than she already had, she insulted me and called me a bitch. An idiot, pathetic, stupid and naive. Do you know what I did the next night?

"Ma'am, I'll take care of this. Please go to bed." I tell the maid and she immediately left after I convinced her.

I let the gas flow into the air. I did some arrangements and had a timer, it was like a bomb. I left the house for a few minutes and came back when I heard an explosion. Our house was on fire... it's beautiful! My parents are inside.. wait.. mom.. dad..

"S-Someone help!"

I got sent to the mental hospital after that incident. They gave me the inheritance, I was still rich despite everything. Many people died because of the fire, everyone but me. I stayed in the hospital for 20 days, I missed the prom because of it. But when I got back to school, they were together.

Kenma didn't hesitate to show her that he loves her. Their affection around the public audience was set to a minimum level, leaning on each other's shoulders or holding hands. That was the very least. But I know they did more when they were alone... he found the one he loves.

"(Y/n)! Don't you dare." (Y/n) and Kenma's chasing each other inside the classroom. She's threatening him that she'd show everyone his picture.

"Come on, Kenma. You look pretty here!" I was heading out the door when she hit me by accident. She literally froze when she noticed me. Kenma immediately pulled her away and they left the room.

I could accept.... your relationship, if only you two could remember me. You two never remembered me. I gave up on ruining their relationship. Both of them were happy, Kenma always panics whenever (Y/n)'s down and (Y/n) would always try to keep them both together. They will last for a lifetime.

At one point, (Y/n) almost fell of the building again but this time, Kenma was successful with saving her life. They were supposed to be taking a break from each other but she didn't take it properly and she almost died, again. They still took a break nonetheless but it took a while before they did.

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