Love in the making and walls breaking

Start from the beginning

"I love you too Ruby. More than life itself" I wrap my legs around his waist and he begins to pound into me. As we both come to our release I hear myself yell his name and him yell mine, just like he said he would. He lets himself fall on top of me and we wrap each other into our arms. He kisses my forehead and we lay in silence for a long time. I think about telling him everything, I think since I said the three words, I'd never ever spoken. I never told Chuck I loved him, even if a thought I did. It was just, it didn’t feel right.

"Alex" He shuffles, and he pulls out of me. I laugh because I hadn’t even felt him still there.

"Yea?" I take a deep breath and my hands begin to shake. He grabs them and threads our fingers together.

"You don’t have to say anything baby."

"I want to. Its time, I mean I just said the three words, I never thought I’d say. Ever." I chuckle and lean over and turn on my ceiling lights.

"Wow. That’s amazing" He smiles. He looked sexy with his just fucked hair and lazy eyes.

"I've never told anyone I loved them before." His head lean back a bit and his eyes look confused.

"I'm sure that’s not true. Your Mom and Dad do count you know."

"I don’t know my dad, he bailed on my mother and me before I was born. My mother was always drunk and I said Te quiero to my Tia Rosalinda. She was my next door neighbor. The woman raised me basically and looked after me and my mother till I was old enough. I was alone, me myself and I. Then I met Chuck, he was my hero. He saved me. I didn’t have a job, but I made money the best way I knew how." I looked at him through my blurred vision. He pulled me onto his lap and cradled me like a child.

"I'd steal. From stores, houses anywhere I could and sell the things I'd steal to a curiosity shop. That why I got into business because I’m really good at it. I'd dress up as a boy to be safe and once he became my partner in crime, I never went to sleep on an empty stomach. I had to take care of my mom. Pull her out of bars, I never would have done it without him. Once we hit High school, things went from brother hood to a relationship. I didn’t have friends. Girls made fun of me and I'd beat the shit out of them. I was always one of the guys." I laughed at my memories.

"My mom died a month before my graduation. I had so many plans, I already had my scholarship to MSU. I wanted to bring her with. Start of new but she didn’t make it. Then I found Chuck fucking my mortal enemy and I just lost it." I felt him tense up under me and I looked up at his tender face.

"I vowed that night. I'd never let anyone in because it hurt too much, I got here and I spiraled out of control. Making a list of guys. Hooking up with those guys I didn’t know because I needed to feel important. Like someone needed me, but I still felt empty. Hollow. Till I met you. You changed everything. You brought my heart back to life and I hated you because I was scared"

"You don’t need to be scared baby. I'll never leave you alone, ever. As long as I live, you won’t ever need to feel alone. I promise" He held up his pinky. How can something so childish make me feel so warm inside? We threaded pinkies and kissed.

"So this chuck fella, was he your first?" He asked making me laugh.

"Yea, technically. But you’re the first to ever make love to me" I could almost see the pride in his smile.

"And I will your last."

"Promise?" I ask, and he locks his eyes in mine.

"I promise." After round three of this new love making thing I do know. We passed out and slept most of the morning. I opened my eyes and found a very sexy Alex asleep still next to me. I didn’t want to move but my Blatter was about to explode. I untangled myself from him and sprinted to the bathroom. I took a shower while I was in there and walked out to see he hadn’t moved at all. I dress in his t shirt and nothing eals. I was just about finished with brunch when he walk out, looking fucking adorable.

"Good morning love" He says in his morning voice that’s makes me quiver in all the right places.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" The only beauty around here is you" he gave me a smacked kiss and sand back to look at my get up.

"Fuck you look hot in my clothes. I'm one lucky son of a bitch" He looked twice as hot in just his boxers. He sits down while I pour all our food onto one plate.

"You’re eating too" He scolded.  I walk up to and straddled him and feed him a bite after taking one myself.

"Oh, I like eating like this." We finish breakfast and Spent the whole day in doors. Being cute to each other and just living. Crystle came for her bags and said a good bye after an “I told you so”.

"Hey, why don’t you come spend winter break at my place? I don’t want you to be here all alone." I thought about it. I had no one to spend Christmas with, I was planning on sleeping all day. I agreed and packed my things. We drove a short distance to the rich part of the school grounds, the apartments here are amazing and luxurious. As I walked into his place, I felt my jaw drop to the floor. He had the coolest apartment ever. So clean and organized, black and white. It was him from the wooden floors to the built in ceiling lights. His room was the size on my living room and room but together. His bathroom was the size of my fucking room for crying out loud.

"You have this place all to yourself. Damn"

"Had" He correct while setting down my bags in his WALK IN CLOSET?

"Had?" He walks up to me and hugs me.

"I have you to share it with know" He says with a joyful tone and kisses the top my head. I jumped into his arms and the perfect weekend starts. I never shared something to beautiful with anyone. But deep down, I was curled up in a ball scared as shit, that this is too good to be true. 

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