Part one: Lesson on Biology

Start from the beginning

"Ell," Maksim sat up. "Come back."

"You wet my whole shirt!" Ella frowned, looking down at the damp yellow shirt she wore.

"I told you you should have signed up for that wet t-shirt competition," Maksim grinned, eyeing the outline of her bra.

Ella looked up at the prince and rolled her eyes. She tried to head for the bathroom, but Maksim grabbed her wrist and pulled her down onto his lap.

"Let's go out for dinner," Maksim kissed the tip of her ear. "Or maybe go see a movie?"

"I th-" Ella turned to look at Maksim when her phone suddenly vibrated on her bed stand. They both looked over as it vibrates once more. Ella leaned over Maksim's arm and grabbed the phone. She unlocked it quickly and opened the text as Maksim moved her hair to one side and kissed his mark on her neck. Through his lashes, he watched Ella's face as she read the text and smiled.

"Who is it?" Maksim asked.

"Dan, from my biology lab."

"What does he want?" Maksim's mood fell instantly.

"He wants to know if I'm free to go over the chapter before our test next week," Ella turned off her phone and tossed it onto the pillow.

"Just him? Or the whole group?" Maksim raised a brow.

"I don't know, Max," Ella shook her head, recognizing exactly why he was suddenly so grumpy. "Maybe just him."

"Are you going to go?" Maksim frowned.

"I want to pass my test," Ella said, calmly, acting as if she was completely oblivious to what was on his mind.

"Can I come with you?" Maksim asked.

"No, that would be weird."


"We're going to be studying!" Ella got off the boy's lap. "What will you do there?"

"I will do my own work," Maksim insisted.

"You can do your own work at home or with Andy."

"I want to do my work next to you."

"I'm busy," Ella pushed her hair over her shoulder.

"With Dan?" Maksim raised a brow.

"Yes," Ella nodded. "With Dan. I thought you liked him?"

"I can't stand him," Maksim got off the bed and headed for the closet.

"Why not? He's so nice and sweet. Super polite and so funny."

"Oh my god, he's so perfect," Maksim mimicked a girl's giggle.

"Very mature of you, your highness."

"Don't call me that," Maksim pulled out a new set of sheets and walked back to the bed.

"What are you doing?" Ella asked.

"I'm changing the bedsheets, genius."

"Max, I changed them yesterday."

"Well, I don't like them."

Ella rolled her eyes as she watched Maksim throw all the pillows off the bed. He yanked the sheets off and spread out the new set. His face was twisted into a deep frown as he focused on his work while Ella stood by the door and watched him. She knew he was only changing the bedsheets out of habit. Whenever he was upset, he channeled all his energy into cleaning. Ella didn't complain. It was much better for everyone he rather clean to get his emotions in check then fly off the handle and start saying and doing things that would end up hurting someone.

"Have you seen that new dress I bought last week?" Ella asked, from where she stood by the door.

"No." Maksim lied. Of course he had seen it. He was the one who put it away in her closet.

"I want to wear it tonight."

"For your date with Dan?" Maksim snorted.

Ella bit back the smile on her lips, "Yeah.....with my date with Dan."

"Not funny, Ell," Maksim looked at her with a serious look in his eyes.

"You started it," Ella pointed out.

"Don't go," Maksim sighed. He dropped the pillow he was holding and kicked another one out of the way.

"Why not?" Ella took a step forward. She walked up to him as Maksim watched her.

"I don't like him," he said.

"Why don't you like him?" Ella pushed the prince until he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know," Maksim shrugged. "I just don't."

"Maksim," Ella placed her hand under his chin and turned his eyes towards her. "Tell me why you don't want me to see Dan and I won't go."

"I hate the way he looks at you," Maksim admitted. "You're mine."

"What are you going to do if I do go tonight?"

"I can't stop you....." Maksim frowned.

"You can," Ella smiled. She lowered her lips to his ears and kissed him slowly. "You can keep me busy all night long."

As soon as the low growl rumbled through Maksim's chest, Ella knew she was not going anywhere that night. His hands gripped her hips as she climbed onto his lap and wrapped her legs around him.

"Baby," Ella called to him, her voice low and seductive. A shiver ran down Maksim's skin as she ran her hand up into his wet hair.

"I'll help you with biology," Maksim said as he swung Ella around and laid her down on the bed.

"Yes, your highness," Ella scooted back on the bed as Maksim's hands pushed up her shirt.

"What chapter are you on?" He asked.

"Immunology," Ella said breathlessly as he undid the buttons of her pants.

"Ready, Ms. Dunbar?" Maksim smiled as he kissed the spot above her belly button and looked up at her.

"Yes," Ella nodded.  

I hope you like it <3 More to come for the other couples. 

Tell me who or what you want to read about :) 

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