Chapter 6: A Way Out

Start from the beginning

"That doesn't explain why you and Peter seem to be angry at each other." She said, having noted that they came separately.

He clenched his jaw, "He threw my wallet and keys. He said that we were never getting out of here and that I should stop being hopeful."

She glanced over at where Peter was sitting and saw how his head was hung low, "As much of an ass as he was for that, you also should remember that he's been here for three months and no one knew he was gone." She paused, "I don't want to lose hope either but, we don't have another way out."

He frowned, "Can't you try talking to Scott?"

She shrugged, "I can but since we got here I haven't heard any of his thoughts. The only thing I felt was that sharp pain in my chest from earlier which I think is because he and I are far apart." She shook her head, "Anyways, I actually thought of something that might help us reach them."

He furrowed his brows, "What?" She pointed up just as the voice on the intercom spoke up once more announcing that stops that were cancelled. His jaw dropped, "No way."

Imogen hummed, "Let's go check it out." They headed towards the door where Peter awaited them. She gave him a look, "Eavesdropping?"

Peter shrugged, "Not much else to do around here and maybe you could be on to something." Though once inside the room, he obviously grew impatient at the fact that they couldn't figure out how to work the machines inside. He started to press random things and turned the dial causing a loud screeching sound that made them all flinch. He lowered the volume and heard the ghost riders coming.

He warned them and the three quickly got out of the room in time before the ghost rider showed up.

Imogen sat down on one of the benches, wondering if maybe they should just give up. Trent got himself killed trying to get out and unless they could figure out a way to work the radio, they had no way of communicating with their friends. Besides, what are the chances that the radio actually managed to reach their friends.

She looked at her hand, feeling miserable that she might have lost her ring. She thought about what Stiles told her and how she should try communicating with Scott. She felt the longer she went without seeing him, the more empty she felt. Her hand went to her bite mark and decided to give it a try.

She concentrated as hard she could and tried to reach Scott by calling out his name. She even tried to show him the train station. 'Scott! Scott! It's me, Imogen! There's a chance you might not get this... but you have to try to remember me! I'm here with Stiles and Peter. Scott, I-'

A hand on her shoulder startled her and she looked up.



The voice yelled, causing him to sit up with a gasp. He glanced around, seeing he was the only one sitting at the library table. He looked down and saw that he had fallen asleep while trying to study.

He started to pack his things when he heard the voice again, 'It's me, Imogen! Th's a chce you mig not et this... to remember me! I'm he wit Stiles ad Peter. Scott, I-'

He dropped his book when he saw an image of a train station flash in his mind. His hand started to shake from the shock he got. He dug his hand in his pocket and pulled out the ring. He looked at the initials I.L.H.

Imogen. Her name was/is Imogen.

Scott packed up his things quickly, realizing he had to tell his friends about Imogen and the ring.

As he walked out to the parking lot, he saw that the towing guy was back. He shot a quick text to Lydia, Malia, and Isaac.


"Where are you going? What did you see up there?" Stiles demanded as he and Imogen followed after Peter who went through the tunnel.

"The towns."

"What did it mean?"

"I just told you. They're never gonna stop."

"Okay, so what's the plan then?"

"I'm goin' through the portal." Peter said bluntly, glancing around.

Stiles looked at him shocked, "Wait, wait, wait. No one gets through the portal, you said that yourself."

"No human can. But I'm better than human, remember?" He said looking determined. "I'll heal."

"Let me go with you." Imogen said it would be easier for her friends and Scott to find Stiles if she told them about him in order to help them remember him.

Peter shook his head, "Absolutely not. You're only half a werewolf and you won't heal as fast."


"Imogen." He said sternly, placing his arms on her shoulders as he looked her in the eyes. "I know you want to see your friends and your boyfriend but you could die if you go through the portal."

She scowled, "So I should just trust that you'll tell our friends about us?"

He swallowed, hearing the ghost riders in the distance. "I know you think I betrayed you but I had to make it look like I was on Kate's side. She threatened you, okay? When we were sparring you stopped breathing, remember? That was her. I wasn't going to actually kill Scott. I just needed to let Kate think I was." He said in a rush.

Her blue eyes filled with disbelief, "You...didn't-"

He smiled warmly at her, "You're my daughter and I would never let anything happen to you

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He smiled warmly at her, "You're my daughter and I would never let anything happen to you." He glanced at Stiles, "Keep her safe for me." He then shoved his daughter into Stiles arms so he could keep her from following him. He found Stiles' keys and decided to take them with him.

"Hold on! Wait!" Imogen argued, trying to pull from Stiles' grip but he was surprisingly strong and she didn't want to accidentally hurt him.

Stiles pulled her up on the platform with him as they watched Peter throw a bench onto the tracks just as the ghost riders were starting to head out. They watched as Peter managed to jump on the back of the horse with the ghost rider. They inhaled sharply, watching as Peter managed to go through the portal. 

One of the ghost riders noticed them and aimed the whip at them, only Imogen was faster and pushed Stiles to the ground. Thankfully, the ghost rider went through the portal. "Do you think he made it?" She asked, still shocked that Peter had only pretended to be the bad guy.

Stiles sighed, "Hopefully."

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