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Draco's POV

I run into the class as McGonagall is pulling one of the Weasley's out into the middle. This is a sight to see. I quickly walk over to Goyle and Crabbe and sit next to them. Adrian is talking up a storm with Goyle.

"This class is ridiculous." I roll my eyes mid sentence.

"It ain't that bad!" Crabbe shrugs looking across to the girls.

"Oh come on, we only know your saying that because you've never even touched a girl before." Adrian cracks up laughing as we all join in.

"And you have?" Crabbe darts an eye towards me.

"Oh I have, this boy ain't a Virgin." I flash a smile.

A few minutes later Arianna had walked into the class, she looks over to me and puts a piece of hair behind her ear with a smirk and walks to sit down with Hermione, one of the Weasel's, and Potter.

Ari's POV

"Hey guys" I whisper.

"Oh hey!" Ginny says looking at Ron being absolutely flushed with a red face in the middle of the room.

"Are you seeing this Ari?" Harry slaps his knee with laughter.

"When did this happen?" I giggle out.

"A few minutes ago! McGonagall wanted someone to practice with and show us how to waltz for the ball." Ginny says no longer holding her laughter.

"Don't ever let me forget this!" Harry says turning to Fred and George.

"Never!" They both laugh.

"So.. Ari, you going shopping with us for dresses after class?" Hermione nudges my arm.

"Of course" I smile.

"Have you been asked to the ball yet?" Ginny looks over finally breaking contact with the miserable event happening in the middle of the room.

"I.. think I'm going with someone?" I hesitate looking across the room slightly.

"Who?" Hermione asks making smushy sounds.

"I want it to be a surprise" I giggle.

"Fineee, oh I think McGonagall is gonna speak." Hermione whispers.

"Alright class, after watching me for a while grab an opposite sex partner and try it on your own!" She claps and leaves off the floor.

Ginny grabs Harry's hand and runs out along with Hermione going to Ron straight away. Surprisingly Neville asks Luna to practice, I kinda ship that.. hehe. I look across the room to see Malfoy keeping his stare on me but Adrian walks over and blocks my sight.

"Hey... wanna try this together?" He asks softly putting his hand out.

"Oh.. sure" I respond taking his hand with a bit of dissatisfaction.

I look behind Adrian to see Malfoy staring at me until Pansy walks up to him and goes to grab his hand, he tears it away from him and sends her off, I giggle.

The Slytherin Boy..Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat