Chapter 5- The Unforgettable Kiss

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"Keefe Sencen, where are you! If you don't come here this instant, I am telling Rose (my own spin on Ro) to sell all of your hair products!" an unfamiliar voice yelled. Keefe's face turned pale.
" Not my hair products! Sorry, I got to go. My mom's calling me. Here, take this. See you later, Foster," Keefe remarked, handing me a piece of paper with his number on it. After waving at me, Keefe walked away.
I blushed. " Maybe this field trip was not so bad after all," I whispered as I smiled to myself.
Hotel room ( after field trip)

  "Sophie, earth to Sophie. Why are you smiling so much?Come on, we are playing two truths and one lie and it's your turn,"Stina stated, looking annoyed.
I smacked myself in the head. Ugh! I needed to stop thinking about Keefe so much! His ice blue eyes. His amazing,blond hair.His famous smirk. Perfect was the word for him, kind of like Fitz.
" Get yourself together, Sophie. Fitz doesn't like me and stop day dreaming about Keefe," I thought.
" Um, Sophie. You're still daydreaming," Biana remarked, waving her hand in front of my face.
" Sorry, just thinking. Okay, my favourite( English spelling) movie is Enola Holmes, I used to have a hamster when I was five and I like Keefe," I answered. I hit myself in the head - I just said I liked Keefe! My palms became cold and clammy. Biana and Stina looked at me with baffled looks on their faces.
" Who's Keefe?" Biana asked. My mind raced- what was I supposed to say?
" It's the the lie obviously. I don't know a Keefe." I replied, hoping that had seemed genuine enough.Yes, Biana was my best friend, but I didn't feel like telling her( and obviously Stina).
" How?You never told me you had a hamster," Biana responded, frowning a little.
  " Sorry, well let's do something else. This game is getting boring," I remarked quickly.
  " Ok then, let's talk about the story between you and this Fitz boy. Biana told me some details, but not the entire story,"Stina answered, smiling mischievously.I shot Biana an angry look- she told Stina!
  My heart pounded against my chest while my stomach churned. I did not know what to say.
   " Let's not talk about that," I muttered, looking at my feet.
   " What! I know you only knew the boy for a day, but I saw the chemistry between you two. Why are so sad? He likes you," Biana replied.
  " I have to show you guys something," I stated, getting off my bed to get my iPhone. It was time I told them( well I didn't really want to show the messages to Stina, but she was here already).
  Quickly, I showed Biana and Stina the messages. " See, he clearly doesn't like me," I said sadly. Biana and Stina looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Confusion filled my mind.
  " Girl, are you blind?He clearly likes you. He was about to confess his feelings for you, he just got nervous and deleted the message!" Biana exclaimed.
  " What, I am confused," I replied. Was this really true? Did Fitz actually like me?
   " Look, he was about to say I can't stop thinking about you," Stina explained. I jumped for joy. This was crazy!
  All of a sudden, I heard someone knock on the door. Biana's face lit up with joy as she whispered something into Stina's ear. Then, Stina's face lit up with joy.
  " Sophie,I think you should answer it," Biana squealed.
Confused, I walked towards the door and opened it. I gasped. It was Fitz. His hair looked perfect and he was wearing a fancy tuxedo, while I was wearing my alicorn pajamas. My face turned red.
" Hey Sophie," he remarked, flashing yet another movie star worthy smile. My heart fluttered.
" Hi, so great to see you , but how did you know where I was staying?" I asked.
" Your friend, Biana, messaged me on Instagram, telling me to come here today because you had to tell me something," he answered. I turned to face Biana and she gave me a thumbs up.
" Um, could we go by the elevator to talk?" I asked. Nodding at me, we walked toward the elevator.
" I like you," Fitz and I said said in union. We laughed.
All of a sudden, Fitz began to move closer to me. He moved so close, I could feel his warm breath on my face. Was he going to kiss me?
  Then, he pressed his lips against mine. It was like fireworks. It was the best moment of my life. I felt like I was floating in the air.I would never forget this day.

Hope you enjoyed this! Leave a comment and vote if you like. Question- tiana or dexiana? More coming soon.

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