Chapter 3- Biana's Secret Admirer

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     Sophie's phone
Fitz: Hey, Sophie. Ever since we met at the airport, I can't stop thinking about -
*Fitz deleted this message
Fitz: Um, never mind
Me: Okay. Well, how are you
Fitz : Good. Also,why are you in London
Me: School field trip , you?
Fitz: My parents and I are on vacation . Btw, I'm from L.A
Sophie: Same! Never seen you at school before though
Fitz: I go to a prep school
Sophie: Oh, I go to a public school
Fitz: Cool. Ttyl, got to go eat dinner
My heart sank- does Fitz even like me? I know I had only known him for a few hours, but I could feel the connection between us.
" Well, Fitz probably doesn't like me. I am so hopeless," I whispered as a small tear ran down my face.
" Sophie, come on! You are missing the game!" Biana exclaimed. Immediately, I dried my tears with my crimson red sweater and pretended to smile - I didn't want Biana and Stina ( especially Stina) to see me cry over a boy.
" Ok, Biana it's your turn to ask me truth or dare," Stina remarked, her blue eyes glistening with excitement .
" Truth or dare?" Biana asked.
" Um, dare," Stina replied.
" I dare you to yell I love Jensi," Biana answered , looking mischievous. Suddenly, Stina began to blush. Biana raised her eyebrows at me.
" I love Jensi!" Stina yelled at the top of her lungs. Surprisingly, no one answered. Embarrassed, Stina hid her face in her hands.
" Ok, let's forget about that," Stina muttered.
" Sophie, truth or dare?" Biana questioned.
" Let's see, dare," I responded, hoping that I wouldn't have to embarrass myself.
" I dare you to text Fitz and say you like him," Biana stated, her eyes lighting up with pure joy.
Beads of perspiration trickled down my pale forehead as one million thoughts filled my brain. This was my worst nightmare. I already knew Fitz didn't like me, so if I told him I did, it would be so humiliating. All of a sudden ,I heard someone knock on the door.
" I'll get it," Biana announced as she got up to answer the door.To my surprise, I noticed that no one was by the door when Biana opened it. My brown eyes opened as wide as saucers as Biana came back with flowers, chocolates and a note in her hands.
   " Who's it for?" Stina asked.
   " Me," Biana replied as she showed us the note.
Never gives up
   Love, your secret admirer
Unknown P.O.V. ( Biana's secret admirer)

   She will be mine forever.Dex wouldn't have a chance. Biana will only love me and no one else.

Hope you guys enjoyed!  Who do you think Biana's secret admirer is? More coming soon. Feel free to comment.

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