Chapter 19

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"We have prepared to switch out the sets from WayV's performance to NCT 127's as soon as they finish performing." my underling reported to me. I nodded and thanked him for his good work. I immediately ran to NCT 127's waiting room.

I opened the door, "Let's go guys, you're on in 3 minutes." I announced to them and immediately ran back to the backstage to standby once again. 

"WayV is in their last chorus, prepare to immediately switch the sets as soon as they leave the stage." I instructed the staff members using a walkie talkie.

I suddenly felt a pair of arms hugging my hips. I sighed, knowing who did that without looking at him since he's the only one brave enough to disturb me during my job. 

"What are you doing, Jae?" I asked him while glaring at him, trying not to get pissed at my handsome boyfriend for disturbing me during work.

I saw Taeyong pulling Jaehyun by the collar to separate him from me, "Sorry, Haewon. Your boyfriend is being too clingy again like usual. Continue on with your work." Taeyong apologized while pulling Jaehyun away.

I saw him grumble, protesting at Taeyong's action. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully when he noticed that I was looking at him before focusing back on my work.

"Now." I instructed using the walkie talkie. The WayV members walked down to the back stage as soon as they were done. "Good job, everyone." I said to the WayV members, earning a thanks from them.

After the interlude finished playing, I immediately instructed the NCT 127 to stand by in their positions on the stage. "Good luck." I encouraged the 127 members when they passed by me. 

I widened my eyes when I felt Jaehyun peck at my lips quickly when he passed by while saying "Make sure to pay attention to me when I'm performing." 

I sighed, guess that I'll have no choice but to pay attention to him during his performance (not that I wasn't planning to though). I looked at the screen provided in the backstage for the staffs to keep check of the performances going on.

I payed attention to Jaehyun, mesmerized by his dancing skills and his voice during his parts. I smiled fondly during his part, feeling lucky that such a man is in love with me.

"You're totally whipped for him." Yangyang said to me, causing me to realize that the WayV members are still backstage. 

"Why aren't you guys back to your waiting room?" I asked them. Hendery wriggled his eyebrows at me, "Well Ten told us to tease the hell out of you before we go, and that's what we're doing right now."

I groaned at them, "Can't you guys like let me focus on watching my boyfriend instead of tormenting my life?"

"We won't be WayV if we don't torment your life, heck we won't even be considered as NCT in the first place if we don't torment your life." Ten said before continuing, "I'm so proud of my children, I taught you guys well." he complimented YangYang and Hendery with a proud smile.

Kun shook his head, "I'm the one raising you guys and I get no credit, not like you guys listen to me anyways." He muttered loud enough for us to hear, causing us to laugh at his misfortune.

I went back to looking at the screen, back to paying attention to NCT 127's performance. 

As soon as NCT 127 finished performing, I asked 127's staff member if I could take one of the towels. They nodded and immediately gave it to me without asking any questions, knowing who it was for.

"Good job, everyone." I said to the 127 members when they stepped out off the stage. I went to Jaehyun and wiped his sweat off for him. The tip of ears turned red as he smiled happily because of the affection that I'm currently giving him.

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