"That's... um... I've been busy," I tried.

"Busy with what exactly?" he asked.

I didn't answer. I just crossed my arms childishly. "None of your business."

"For merlin's sake, Athena, stop avoiding me. Let's talk," he said. I guess I can't avoid this anymore. I sighed and sat on the armchair he was on before and he sat on the couch.

"Fine. Talk," I said.

"I'm sorry," he started, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or scare you away. I just... nevermind, but please accept my apology."

Did he regret it? Why does that thought make me upset?

"Just what?" I asked.

"Nothing, nevermind. Will you please accept my apology, though. I really hate it when you avoid me," he said.

"Do you regret it?" I asked, regretting my question immediately. 

"No," he said, "but it made you uncomfortable and for that, I apologize."

I thought about it. He apologized, not because he regrets kissing me, but because he thought it made me uncomfortable.

"Apology accepted," I said and he breathed out in relief.

"Thank god! Finally!" he said and leaned back on the couch making me giggle.

"I think you should go to sleep. You look tired," I said. He looked exhausted, surely because he was with Remus last night. Why was he here instead of resting with the boys? I can't ask him that. Not directly at least.

"Are you saying I look bad?" he asked.

"No. I'm saying you look horrible," I said and he pretended to be shocked.

"Hey!" he said and I laughed.

"Why were you here?" I asked.

"You looked cold so I covered you," he said, pointing at the blanket, "Then I figured I'd corner you here to talk."

"Thanks for the blanket," I said, "Now go rest, you need it."

 "Alright," he said with a smile, "see you later?"

"Sure," I said and turned and went up to the dorm, feeling his eyes still on me.

Later that day, during lunch, the girls were eating and talking. I told them what happened and they were glad that this is over.

"I'm glad you are finally here, Ay," Lily said, "Potter is a nightmare that I do not want to face alone."

"Nightmares are dreams, therefore, I'm in your dreams," came Potter's voice from behind her and she groaned. 

The boys surrounded us as usual, but they still looked a bit tired.

"You all look tired," Angie said.

"You should've stayed in bed and recharge like we usually do," said Caroline glancing quickly at Remus. "It helps. Trust me."

"We'll try it next week then," Potter answered.

I leaned a bit closer to Lily and whispered, "Why is it still awkward between them? Did something happen that you're not telling me?"

"I don't know. I asked Caroline the other day and she just shrugged," answered Lily.

"We'll corner her tonight then," I said and Lily nodded.

We were almost done with our lunch when a guy approached us from behind Caroline. He was somewhat cute and looked a bit shy. He cleared his throat and I signaled Caroline to look behind her which she did.

"H-hi," he said.

"Hi," replied Caroline.

"Caroline right? I'm Benjamin, but you can call me Ben," he said.

"Yeah, I'm Caroline," she said. Ben was silent for a few seconds staring at Caroline. "Can I help you with something, Ben?"

"Um... I-I go to Care of Magical Creatures with you," he said. Why was he so nervous? I looked at Remus and saw him glaring at the boy. Now this is amusing I smiled lightly, but tried to hide it.

"Oh, I think I saw you," Caroline said politely.

"Really, you noticed me? I-I m-mean," he cleared his throat, "I'm having a bit of trouble in that class and was wondering if you could help me."

By now, Remus' glare intensified 10x. I leaned towards Black and whispered, "Look at Remus. This is beyond amusing."

"If Caroline doesn't tell the guy to piss off, Remus will go crazy," he whispered back.

"Good. Let him," I said, "He needs to man up and do something. Otherwise Caroline might actually give up on waiting."

I said that on purpose, knowing that he might tell Remus that. Perhaps he'll do something then. I returned my focus to Caroline and Ben.

"Alright, I don't mind," said Caroline.

"Really?! Great!" Ben smiled widely, "When are you free?"

"How about tomorrow after classes in the library?" Caroline said.

"Great! Perfect! See you then?" he asked.

"Sure," Caroline said. He still stood there staring. I didn't know whether to laugh or awe at how cute this is.

"Was there something else you needed?" Caroline asked politely when he wasn't showing any signs of moving.

"Huh?" he snapped out of his trance, "No, nothing, I'll go now. See you." He said and ran away. Literally ran.

The girls and I started giggling. Caroline turned to us and tried hiding her smile.

"What are you all laughing at?" she asked.

"You know what," Angie said.

"He was stuttering and looked so nervous, pathetic," Black said and rolled his eyes. I elbowed him.

"That's rude," I said.

"You're the ones laughing," he said rubbing his rib.

"Anyway, it's just tutoring lessons," Potter said. I think he was trying to soothe Remus who looked upset. The girls Lily noticed, too, and we decided to mess with him.

"Well, he looked nervous, but at least he had the guts to walk up to you and ask for something. Even if it's tutoring lessons for now," Lily said.

"Yeah," I said, "Stefan once told me that it takes a lot for a shy guy to walk up to the girl he likes. You must give him brownie points for bravery."

"Hey, he asked me to tutor him. That doesn't mean he likes me," Caroline said.

"Sure thing, Care," Angie said with an eyeroll, "But, we have the right to tell you we told you so when he finally asks you out."

"I think I'm full. I'm going to the library to check out something," said Remus who got up quickly and left. I smirked and looked at Caroline who looked confused.

"Why are you smirking?" asked Caroline.

"Oh, nothing," I said.

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