I try opening my eyes, nothing. I tried squeezing his hand like they do in movies, nothing. I tried yelling out his name, nothing.

"I really miss your smile baby girl, and your voice, your laugh. Jayson hasn't heard any of that."


"Everyone probably said this already, but I don't remember. I'm sure when he learned how to speak he said it himself, but his name is Jayson Ray Tomkin. I don't know why King put my name first, he said that name kept popping up in his head while he slept, almost like you were the one telling him that that would be your baby's name."


"He needs you Miry. We all need you. I want us to be that happy family. Maybe when you finally leave this place all your friends can come, they could all listen to Jay's stories. Maybe you could tell him how he got his name. That would be one heck of a story."

Wake up.

"That's all for the future though. Right now, all we need is for you to wake up."

I know.

"I love you baby girl."

Don't leave. Jay please. Please come back.


"Miry? I need a doctor or a nurse! Someone please!"


"Sir, I'm going to ask you to leave." The doctor says and Jay's grip on my hand loosens up.


"No, no I can't leave her like this."

"Sir, please."



"I'll be back Miry. You'll meet Jayson I promise."

I opened my eyes for a second, but it was all too bright. I was in this same bed for over five years. I guess my wish came true about wanting to sleep forever. I missed so much. I didn't get to see my baby's first steps, but you did. I didn't get to hear his definition of love, but you did. Everything I thought happened was just a dream. Part of my life was a lie. Jayson isn't dead. I wasn't married to King, yet. Everything that happened after the accident wasn't real, but it all felt so, so right.



I try opening my eyes once again, but I couldn't stand the brightness.

"Mommy it's okay, it's okay don't open your eyes." He puts his hand in mine and with all my strength I give a little squeeze, "I love you too mommy. We're all here for you."

"I'm glad you can't open your eyes we look like shit" King mutters


Everything is quiet for a bit until I feel someone taking my other hand, "Yes Miry?"

"How- How are you?"

He chuckles, and kisses my forehead, "Is that really what you want to ask me babe?"

"No" I whisper, "Have you changed?"

"In what way?"

"Your looks, your life."

"Of course" he whispers, "It's been a bit over five years babe, I'm 26 almost 27. I look like hell."

I laugh a bit, it hurt a lot to laugh, "You need to shave." I whisper as I touch his face, "You're probably disgusting."

My Protectors: CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now