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I lay, the bed contouring to my form, my curves and edges. As one, our body's curve in sync, my arm wrapped protectively over you. Your hair in my face, a sweet raspberry smell floods me, I breathe deep taking you in. Your warmth gives me a chill, a pleasant chill of heat that not only warms my skin, but my heart. A flame, a light, in my heart. Like all fire, it spreads, it touches my finger tips, my toes, my soul. Like all fires, it destroys, it eats me up, burns me to ashes. I wake up, you're gone. Gone? You were never there. -M.r.k

"We miss you Miry."

"We want you back."

"It's not the same without you."

We miss you Miry, we want you back, it's not the same without you. What are you talking about? I'm right here.

"I miss you mommy."

Mommy? What's happening? Where am I?

"Mommy! Mommy!! No!!"

"We're losing her!"

Losing her? Why is everyone-


When we're back in the highway I plug my headphones in and start listening to some rock music. I lean against the window thinking about everything that's happened, all the mistakes I've done, and how-

"Trevor watch out!!"

"God damn Miry. This is all my fault. If I just drove you back to Jay he wouldn't of left you, and you wouldn't be here. If I didn't sleep with you... if you didn't mean anything to me..... Why didn't you just stay at your house instead of coming to my party? Why didn't you go with Jay?"


"What? Miry? Miry, wake up! Miry!"

"What happened?" the nurse asks running in

"S-she talked she talked, but a lot of noises started coming from that fucking machine and she didn't continue talking!!"

"Calm down sir" she says, "She's okay."

"She won't wake up anytime soon, will she?"

"I don't think so, I'm sorry."


Won't wake up? I have to wake up!


Why am I at a hospital?! Someone please answer me!

"Whatever she's thinking about has to stop or we're going to lose her."

I'm causing this? I'm causing my death? Okay, okay calm down Miry. Let the doctors do their job, they're professionals, just calm down.


"Hey baby girl"


"They only let one person in, they all chose me. I hope you don't mind, I know you want to meet your baby. He's such a goofball. I think he got that from me."

Please bring him in.

"He's always telling us these crazy stories, I don't know if you heard them, but they were really good. He once defined love for us, he's smart for a five year old."


"He loves to draw and color, he got that from you baby girl. You would love him so much. We just need you to open up those beautiful eyes of yours so you can see him, and so you can finally marry King. It's crazy how we found out. King said he didn't even have a clue, which means you probably didn't neither. I'm so glad both of you are safe though, but don't make him grow up seeing his mom in a coma. Please, just give me a sign that my baby girl is still in there."

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