Then the next event is the co-ed three-legged race. Which Teruhashi-san and the guy, who I don't know who will be doing.

I turned to Saiki-san, knowing what I'm thinking. He held my hand and did the telepathy... thingy... the, yeah! Forced telepathy towards him to me

"My name is Sawakita. Well, my name doesn't matter. I'm only playing a supporting role. My grades, appearance... everything about me is average. I was born average and I will die average. That's my life. But a  single rock-paper-scissors game brought sunshine into my life! I'll run a three-legged race with Teruhashi! Just the memory of this race will keep me going!"

So many simps for Teruhashi-san. And in the end, They won first place.

Then, the next game was a scavenger hunt, which Nendou will play.

The game started and Nendou was the first to go to the papers, then go on with the searching.

He probably had an idea for what he's searching so he went towards us.

Being our supportive classmates, others asked Nendou if he wants their specific things.

"No, what I needed is this." He said while reaching for something.

And that something was Saiki-san's .. which caused him to fall face on the ground. I ran towards Saiki-san, turned him around, and put his head in my lap.

"Saiki- Kusuo!! Hey! Nendou! Gimme that!" I said, slightly panicking. And Nendou immediately gave it to me.

I put it back to Kusuo's head, silently praying that it's the right spot. Almost immediately, Kusuo woke up.

"Kusuo! Kusuo, are you okay?" I asked, worried. But didn't get an answer. 

"Everyone crossed the goal except Nendou! Since Nendou couldn't get the item, he's in the last place." The speaker said.

"Oh, I lost. But oh well, nothing I could've done. Who cares about Sports Day when my pal is in trouble, right? Sorry, guys."

"Tsk." I heard Saiki-san said. Now I'm more worried.

The morning events are finished which means, lunch! And I ain't going to eat lunch when I still haven't talked to Saiki-san! 

I saw Saiki-san leave first in a hurry and I followed him. He had his bentou and sat at one of the sides of the school building. I sat beside him and looked at him worriedly. 

He seems to be shaking while holding his chopsticks, and in the end, he broke it. I took my own chopsticks and went to help him eat his food.

"Here, Kusuo, eat. You don't seem to feel well. If it's about your powers, go home. I want you to rest. Are you okay, now? Are you hurt in some way?" I said in a hushed tone. 

"I'm fine. I just couldn't control my powers right now. I knew that having Nendou here is dangerous. I should've killed him." He said telepathicly.

I slapped him at his elbows, softly, and said, "Don't say that, he's your friend, you know. But if you think it's too dangerous for you to be here then go home. I can just tell our classmates that you're unwell."

"Good idea."

"Pal, where are you?"

'Oh no, It's Nendou!' I thought and quickly turned to Saiki-san expecting him to leave.

"Oh! There you are. I've been looking for ya! Oh, Hey (Y/n)!"  Nendou said. Soooo Saiki-san didn't get to leave. Yeah, considering he couldn't control his powers.

I just waved at him and smiled. Oh.

"Oh yeah, Nendou, you see. Saiki-san is feeling unwell so can he go home?"

"Oh, Saiki's unwell? That sucks, but yeah, you can go home Saiki! Leave the rest to us!" Hairo said.

"Yeah! Leave it to us!"

"Go home and rest well!" Our classmates said.

And in the end Saiki-san didn't leave saying that he doesn't want to owe someone. Such a tsundere.

He then continued to play in the events like the tug of war, which they won by him pulling the rope too 'rough'.

Later on, the pervert, as Saiki-san call him, had a bet on him. Who has the most points will win while the losing team will have a buzz cut. And Hairo, being the competetive guy, went and accepted the bet even though Saiki-san doesn't care if he's winning it or not.

When the other guys heard about the bet, they joined and said "If Hairo's going to do it, we'll do it too!" which forced Saiki-san to join as well.

Last event is the relay race and I'm on it too. I'm the one whom Teruhashi-san will pass the baton and be the one to pass it to Nendou. Then to Hairo and lastly, to Saiki-san.

As the race started, I heard helicopter sounds. I looked at the sky to see... My uncles! In a helicopter! With a bunch of cameras. And in another helicopter is... What's that? Two cameramans!
I looked at the side and saw a whole bunch of people with cameras. Talk about overdoing it.

I smiled and suddenly had a wave of confidence over me. I focused and looked at Teruhashi-san.

Currently, we're on the last place. It's not so bad to go to first now, right?

Teruhashi-san began to run and passed the baton to me.

"The baton was then passed to (Y/n)!! Oh wow, she's fast! The last placer became the first, thabks to (Y/n)!!!"

I ran as fast as I could. And now, we're in first place! Yey!

I passed the baton to Nendou and we're still at first place. Then he passed it to Hairo but Hairo tripped.

But he still ran as fast as he could. He apologizes to Saiki-san and passed or levitated? the baton to him.

Saiki-san ran, not his ordinary-not-attention-seeking run, but one of his faster runs.

Seems like Hairo didn't trip on accident if that happened.

He was about to win first place but suddenly, he tripped. 'Oh yeah, he can't control his powers right now.'

In the end, we we're last place.

Time Skip

It was the next day and I went to school like a normal high school girl would do.

I went to my seat and began to wait for Saiki-san.

The door opened and there he was, Saiki-san... in a buzz cut. Together with Hairo, Nendou, and Kaidou. In a buzz cut, in a not-so-buzz cut, and a clean bald for them respectively.

I walked over to Saiki-san and gave him a questioning look.

"What's with the look? We won, right? We had more points than Class 2?"

"Ofu." They said and I just giggled at them.

What a nice day.

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