"Well, we will make sure to steal from Harry then," Rah shrugged, they didn't mind  eating out of each other's plate.

"Btw why is Virat bhaiya not calling anyone?" Rishu brought the question in light pouting.

"Is he alright?" Kul asked worried.

"Yes, he is eating many energy bars," Shrey  gave in his expertise view thoughtfully.

He wanted energy bars too and not any energy bar. He wanted the energy bar his Virat bhaiya had.

"I don't know...did Bhuvi bhai said something? Something wrong with Virat bhaiya?" Rah asked, only Bhuvi bhai played a match against RCB till now. So, he might know and yes, Punjab's match was next with RCB and yes, Rah was looking forward to watch the match but he was still very worried for his Vi bhaiya.

"No, he didn't..."

"I didn't have a chat with Bhuviiii"

All of them gave their views about the matter. None of them had talked with Bhuvi much too and Rah couldnt help but scowl. What's up with their elder brothers? Did they forget them or what in the lockdown?

"Should we call Vi?" Rah asked because he wanted to talk to his Vi bhaiya. Check for himself whether he was really fine or not?

"He will be free right now, right?" Kul asked worryingly

"I dont know," Subhi shrugged and even Rishu was concerned about disturbing Vi.

"Well, I dont care he is busy or not...he should be always free for us. Rah call Bossman, we need to have a very serious talk about brothers and importance of talking with said brothers," Harry declared arrogantly and Rah didn't need any more encouragement.

He dialled Virat's call and merged the call as soon as the call was picked.

"Hello!!" A voice that definitely wasn't his Virat's answered the call and Rahul couldn't help but inform the voice so and if he sounded accusing. Well, he hadn't talked to his Vi bhai for what felt ages. He was allowed to be unhappy at not hearing his Vi's voice.

Rahul heard Harry question, Shrey pester, Kul contemplate, Subhi muse, Rishu ask, Jassi ponder and the static from the other end of the call. Why wasnt the guy speaking? When the guy finally spoke he informed them about his name and that he didnt kidnap Virat.

Harry didn't seem to beileve him much though and Rahul just wanted to know where was his Virat? And then the guy screamed something at Virat ignoring them and their questions.

None of the ICT members like being ignored and more than that they didn't like the tone the guy used on Virat.

No one and they mean it, no one, was allowed to talk to their Virat like that and what with the chocolate business again? And why is this guy pestering Vi for dinner? That's their right too and then it hit them, it was the new kid from RCB.

The Devdutt something.

The guy who was chipkuing to their Vi bhaiya.

Virat bhai chipkuing to Shivam they could still accept.  They had seen the sadness and gloom surrounding Shiv after that over in NZ. So, they could somewhat understand Vi bhai encouraging Shiv. They didn't like it but they could quite understand it but why is this Dev chipkuing to their Vi bhaiya?

And where is their Vi bhaiya? They asked just that to this Dev guy. The tone in which that guy replied that Virat bhai told him to inform them that he'll call back later.

Rahul could feel displeasure roll in waves from his brothers. Why did their Vi bhai give him phone to this guy? How was their Vi bhai so careless? How can he just leave his phone with anybody? And what was this guy doing in their Vi bhai's room?

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