Nightmare (Kustard)

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It was night-time. Both Red and Classic had gone to sleep after a severe pun-fest, although Red did notice that Classic was acting odd near the end. He shrugged it off.

He shouldn't have.

In the middle of the night, Red woke up all of sudden. For a second, he was disoriented and wondered what could have woken him up. He noticed that Classic was sweating extensively and his magic was going haywire. 

'So that's what woke me up, his magic...' Red thought to himself. 'He must be having a nightmare.' He unentangled the sheets from their legs and gently lifted Classic and laid his head onto his chest and held him closer. 

He shushed softly and started stroking and petting Classic's skull in an attempt to calm the swirling magic around them.

It worked partially.

Classic woke up with a start, lifting his head and looking around frantically. He turned his head and saw Red letting out a slight sigh and opening his arms and beckoning him back into the embrace.

Classic let out a slight sob, burying himself into his boyfriend's chest and relaxing completely at the familiar scent.

"It's alright, Sweetheart, you're safe. I've got you now." 'And I'm never letting go.'

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